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Margaret Ruxton


Margaret Ruxton

Title: Morning

Description: In my work, I use colour and form to explore meaningful moments that cause me to pause on my journey through life.

In these three self contained but related pieces, that make up this triptych I share the ordinary pleasures of each day. Reminiscent of the day book illustrated by monks during the middle ages, I use clear and jewel like colours to mark the joyous passage of the hours from sunrise to sunset

Dimensions: 25cm X 25cm

Materials: Part 1 of the 'Morning Noon and Night' triptych

Exhibition: Major Minors I

Price: On Request Buy it online
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Margaret Ruxton

Title: Noon

Description: Part 2 of the 'Morning Noon and Night' tryptich

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors I

Price: On Request Buy it online
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Margaret Ruxton

Title: Night

Description: Part 3 of the 'Morning Noon and Night' tryptich

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors I

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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I coloured my hair

I coloured my hair
Margaret Ruxton

Title: I coloured my hair

Description: Continuing my exploration of colour and form I now turn attention away from pure abstract to focus on realistic imagery. Drawing inspiration from the intricate styles of hair braiding which originated in Africa and are currently enjoyed by women all over the world, I celebrate the sisterhood of women, concentrating on what we have in common rather than our differences.

Features on the two faces have been minimalised in the style of cartoons, so that the focal point in both works is the hair, which is sharp, triangular and brightly coloured in the case of the African woman, with startling red wavy locks characterising the Eurocentric head.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors II

Price: Sold
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Hot Head

Hot Head
Margaret Ruxton

Title: Hot Head

Description: Features on the two faces have been minimalised in the style of cartoons, so that the focal point in both works is the hair, which is sharp, triangular and brightly coloured in the case of the African woman, with startling red wavy locks characterising the Eurocentric head.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm



Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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"Sibling Rivalry"

"Sibling Rivalry"
Margaret Ruxton

Title: "Sibling Rivalry"

Description: Two sisters "Lydia and Fraya" face each other in profile.

Each have a plywood backing upholstered and then padded with triangular pillow forming the wavy locks. I have kept the facial features minimal, in the style of cartoons,which makes the hair the focal point.

Dimensions: 30 cm x 30 cm x 5 cm


Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Margaret Ruxton

Title: Obelisk

Description: Having a life long interest in architectural form, this obelisk was inspired by ancient dry packed stone walls.

Dimensions: 205cm x 37cm x 37 cm

Materials: The obelisk is made up of hand sewn textile stones stitched together. The fabrics used vary from silk to textured wools. A simple wooden plinth completes the work.

Exhibition: Fibreworks III

Price: On Request Buy it online
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Margaret Ruxton

Title: Crowns

Description: I was commissioned to create a textile piece to place on a very fragile antique chair - to suggest it should not be sat upon. A crown because of many reasons seemed to be the solution - this then led to a series.

In the creation of the crowns I used similar methods to other structural elements that I have previously made e.g. Obelisk, cubes, heads and so on. The crowns are wearable, the circular construction provides considerable rigidity and great strength.

In fact the perfect crown for the thoroughly modern monarch.

Dimensions: 25 cm x 25 cm x 10cm


Exhibition: Fibreworks TEN

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Margaret Ruxton

Margaret Ruxton

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