Title: Akungenwa - Midlands Farm
Description: Sue Physick is from the beautiful Midlands of Kwa-Zulu Natal. She re-cycles paper waste, scrap metal and other fibres into collages and three dimensional forms.
She has always been attracted to the aesthetic beauty of objects relating to spiritual worship. Russian icons, Moslem Mosques, Ethiopian Crucifixes and Labyrinths all inspire her. An enduring theme in her work is ?the sacred space?.
The work on this exhibition is called ?Akungenwa ? Midlands Farm.? Akungenwa is the Zulu word meaning ?keep out?. Farms in the Midlands have lately been the scene of violent, seemingly inexplicable crimes.
These attacks have been the subject of much debate and one theory is that they are related to the Zimbabwean farm invasions where prime land is seen to be still in the hands of white farmers while the local black people remain poor and landless. Recently, two large farms have been divided up and artists and crafters have set up homes and small business which have largely displaced the Zulu labourers whose families had lived, died and been buried on the land for generations. Ancestor worship is a Zulu custom and grave sites are hallowed ground ? a problem for both the new landowner and the displaced labourer.
Dimensions: 25cm X 25cm
Materials: Paper MachŠ, felt, metal. Mixed media.
Exhibition: Major Minors I