Dear ALL
Dates to diarise:
- 21 February 2025 Zoom meeting 10 am
First of all, a big thank you to Stephanie Neville for her marvellous zoom presentation on 22nd November! Her rich texture of ideas, thoughts and reflections interwoven with some outstanding artworks made a fascinating watch. We are grateful to you, Stephanie, for sharing some of your Middle East experiences with us.
Please make every effort to attend the zoom meeting in February as there are important matters that need to be discussed with the entire membership, and we need your input.
I intended to raise some of these matters after Stephanie's talk on 22nd of November, but there was no time, so between now and then, please give some serious thought to the following matters. Have some opinions and be willing to voice them at the zoom meeting:
- I am considering cutting down the number of yearly newsletters I write from four to three. The Fibreworks WhatsApp has proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable and lively platform for the membership, providing everyone with views and current information pertaining to the group. Good. Some of us are more active than others and this is fine, as everyone finds their own level of engagement. So, as a result of the high interaction on WhatsApp, perhaps three written letters a year will suffice. I know the newsletters are important in that they provide the members with a reliable source of information regarding upcoming events that can be quickly accessed, and this will not change. How do you feel about this?
Who reads the newsletters? Who feels there is no need to now, given the reach of social media?
We will still continue to have our four zoom meetings a year. This will not change.
- One important topic at the October Zoom AGM was the general and overarching exhibition costs incurred by Fibreworks regional shows - financial costs, time costs, physical costs etc. Please go and reread the October newsletter to refresh various issues raised. Going forward, we need to get clarity and agreement on this.
- Ideas for Fibreworks exhibitions. Refer to the October newsletter for the discussion.
Chat soon