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Newsletter December 2017

Dear All,

SUBS FOR 2018 ARE DUE. Bank details from Helga.


Friday 23 February - Fibreworks meeting at Helga's house. 9am for 9:30am

October 2018: Please note that our 20th Anniversary exhibition - Fibreworks X - to be held at the KZN gallery in Durban, has been shifted to October. I don't imagine anyone will have a problem with this as it has been moved to later in the year. More on this later.

NB. Please note that the points raised at each meeting are incorporated in the main body of the newsletter.


Our last meeting - our Christmas get-to-gether - was held on Friday 1 December in Durban

Members present: J Gilks, S Naidoo, O Tolksdorf and L Malherbe

Apologies: Thanks for message from members wishing everyone a happy and festive season. Here are some:

Dear Helga and All Stitchers,

Sending greetings from a wintery Austria. Wishing you all a lovely Christmas.
Kind regards
Gina Niederhumer

Hello to all of you, sorry I shall miss this lovely lunch with you all but send lots of love. Have fun and well done on all your activities. Sorry I don't participate any longer. Life just seems to get so busy these days but still think of you all and the amazing achievements you have made.
Margie Garratt

Hi Ladies,
Enjoy the lunch, I will enjoy the day in Addo.
Lots of love.

Hi All
I won't be able to come to the lunch. Hope you have a wonderful festive season


Fibreworks X. EDGE

Our 20th Anniversary exhibition will be held in 2018 at the KZNSA gallery in Durban.

The dates of the show have been moved to October
please take note!

The KZNSA gallery is very keen to host an important exhibition in our original time slot as this show can only make Durban in September. Angela, the Creative Coordinator at the KZNSA galley is very grateful that we have been accommodating. I'm sure this new date suits everyone! I will confirm the exact dates in first newsletter 2018.

Please read the last 2 newsletters for information on what the exhibition entails.


If you want to update your personal page, send Helga the information by May 2018 so she can update the web site.


If you paid subs between 27/09 and17/10 let Helga know who you are as she has no record of who paid. This is important as you will not be allowed to participate in the exhibition if you are not up to date with your payments.



Please send us your news to share!

Cathy Knox sent news from the Eastern Cape:

Here in the ECape we decided not to be sad about missing the Fibreworks Christmas lunch and organised our own. Marylin Pretorius and Kathryn Harmer Fox coudn't make it to Grahamstown (Joan Barnes, you are now on the list for our next get together) but Cathy Knox, Sally Scott and Mariss Stevens met and started planning a retreat immediately ... before the first sip of our designer gin cocktails.

We talked about the exciting year ahead and generally egged each other on. Sally has an amazing commission in the bag, Mariss is already stitching her museum piece for next year's Fibreworks show and Cathy has been invited to teach at next year's Fynbos Festival in Stellenbosch.

Happy Christmas to everyone from the Eastern Cape group.

Thanks Cathy!

Odette Tolksdorf has recommended some good Web sites

Where Basotho Blankets Are Made


Jeanette Gilks and the team.


NB: Below is information that was printed in the last newsletter. It is nevertheless sufficiently important to be printed once again!

Please read and reread as it concerns the important issues of copyright.

Thanks to Cathy Knox.

FIBREWORKS TEN: Below is a suggestion for a letter seeking permission to use a work from a particular gallery as your inspiration.
Cathy also suggests if you know the artist, then contact them after the gallery have given their permission. You do not have to contact the artist.

To Ros Turner
Curator: Walter Battiss Museum
Somerset East
Via email

Re: original artwork inspired by Walter Battiss for Fibreworks X exhibition 2018
I am currently working on a response in woven and stitched textiles to my personal reading of the Walter Battiss tapestry showing walking feathers which is on display in your museum. My piece also includes references to other Battiss pieces and messages.
When it is complete I will ask you to confirm that there is no infringement of copyright on the original/s.
My work will be submitted for inclusion in a themed group exhibition, Fibreworks X, to be mounted in Durban in 2018.

Members of the Fibreworks group are currently preparing work for the 10th group exhibition (touring) to be launched in the KZNSA Gallery (Durban) in September 2018. Inspired by the example of a similar exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, Fibreworks members have decided to produce a series of works that engage in aesthetic 'conversation' with existing works by South African artists in South African public galleries and/or museums (commercial galleries are not included). Exhibiting members have undertaken to provide a legend with each work explaining to the viewer the source of inspiration which, (in most cases) will not be a literal transposition of the ideas in the source work/s. To be effective the legend should be accompanied by a full colour image of the source work.
For the record: while this is the main theme of the show, members have also been invited to submit other works and smaller pieces for the 'Major Minors' subsection.

Would the Walter Battiss Museum permit me to use a picture of the 'feathers' tapestry and/or other works in your collection in this way?
Would you be able to provide me with an image, or could I shoot my own image?
There are three levels of possible usage (accompanied by an acknowledgement to the copyright holder in each instance):
    1.As a small print accompanying the legend on exhibition
    2.As a small reproduction in an exhibition catalogue (should Fibreworks produce one)
    3.As an image used by media (including the website) for publicity for our exhibition and your gallery/museum.

(By 'we' I mean Fibreworks and I.)
At all times, we would respect and protect the rights of the artist and the copyright holder.
We would include the name of the copyright holder and your museum/gallery's full name and contact information every time the image is used.
We would guarantee that the image would not be used for direct financial gain, but limited to the three types of use listed above.
We would not share the image injudiciously or permit further use by a third party.
We would be very happy to discuss mounting the Fibreworks X exhibition (or part of the total collection) at your gallery/museum at a time that can be negotiated.

Fibreworks is comprised of a group of about 50 artists in South Africa who work in fiber and textile mediums. Fibreworks aims to promote fiber / textile as a serious art form, providing both intellectual stimulation and emotional support for its members.
The group was formed in 1997 and since then has had a number of national and international exhibitions. Fibreworks has produced a number of travelling exhibitions including Major Minors. Some of these exhibitions have been accompanied by full colour catalogues. Fibreworks exhibitions have travelled extensively and have been viewed with great acclaim both in South Africa and internationally. A number of our members are internationally renowned teachers and fibre/textile artists and our works appear in public and private collections both nationally and abroad.

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