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Newsletter December 2010

Dear ALL

Here it is - the last newsletter for 2010.

  • Dates to Diarize
  • ·
  • December 15 2010 - Deadline for VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011 (all categories)
  • February 15 2011 - Deadline for VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011 - Collaborative Textiles-REDES (Nets) ONLY ·
  • February 15 2011- Deadline for Fantastic Fibers 2011 Competition
  • ·
  • March 31 2011 - Deadline for entry form and payment for SA National Quilt Festival
  • ·
  • April 29 2011 - Deadline to register your interest in one of the competitions at Festival of Quilts 2011 (Birmingham NEC)
  • ·
  • May 1 2011 - Deadline for delivery of quilts for SA National Quilt Festival
  • ·
  • World Textile Art Organization XALAPA, MEXICO CITY and OAXACA Mexico ·
  • 31 May Deadline for Kimono exhibition. More on this later.
  • ·
  • July 1 - 7 2011 - SA National Quilt Festival
  • ·
  • August 11- 14 2011 - Festival of Quilts 2011 - Birmingham NEC
  • ·
  • 2-7 October 2011 - 11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence 2011 which will be held in Bunbury Western Australia.
  • ·
  • 6 - 9 October 2011 - Knitting and Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace, London


Present: Sue Akerman, Helga Beaumont, Jeanette Gilks, Leonie Malherbe, Sue Physick, Jean Powell, Odette Tolksdorf, Margaret Ruxton, Judy Breytenbach, Jutta Faulds, Annette McMaster and Carolyn Zelenka.

Apologies: Lynette Douglas, Margie Garratt, Gillian Gerhardt, Margee Gough, Linda Jones, Dana Biddle, Sheila Walwyn and Rosalie Dace.

Odette Tolksdorf chaired the meeting. She welcomed everyone and thanked Helga for having the meeting at her home.

Follow-up to the AGM:

Office Bearers:
The result of Santie's suggestion at the AGM that there should be a 'shadow' for every office bearer so that person could easily take over the position if necessary was as follows:

Odette accepted the position as Chairman for one more year and Caroline Zelenka volunteered to be vice chair - taking over as Chairman in 2011. Margaret Ruxton is Treasurer once again, Helga Beaumont Secretary, with Dana Biddle shadowing her.

Jeanette offered to take over as Archivist from Sue Stevenson and she will be asking members for information that they may have for the archives, particularly any information from publications. She feels that the newsletters are the bones of Fibreworks and the archives record that.

Dana would need information for the 2011 newsletters by the following dates:
18 February, 31 May, 31 July and 30 September. Dana will remind members 2 - 3 weeks before the final date.

Web Site:
Helga to remind members in April to send images to her for the annual website upgrade
Helga to investigate getting someone else to run the web site as she and Rod would like to hand it over to someone else. Carolyn Zelenka gave information about the person who does the Midlands Meander website.

A big thank you to Jeanette Gilks for all her hard work several years ago in putting together the constitution - we appreciate that it was an important and lengthy task.
At the meeting, some changes to the constitution were discussed - please read the email attachment which shows the proposed changes printed in red. At the next AGM in October 2011 it will be discussed, then finalized

There is a CD available of the Cape Town exhibition at Artb in Bellville. If anyone wants a copy the cost will be R25, paid into the Fibreworks account (details at the top of the first page of the newsletter). Add R10 if you want the CD posted. Please let Helga know by end January 2011.

The Kimono Exhibition 2011:

Title: 'Kimonos Unlimited'

After some lively debate over the wonderful Christmas lunch we brain stormed a name for the Kimono exhibition suggested by Jean Powell. "Kimonos Unlimited" is a wonderful title and can be interpreted in a vast number of ways. Thanks Leonie for the title!
The South African Quilters' Guild conference has invited the Fibreworks Kimonos Unlimited exhibition to be part of their show next year. Work will then go on to Artisan Gallery at the end of August. If you like, you may enter work only for the exhibition at Artisan gallery.

· The SAQG National exhibition "Alive with Colour" in Stellenbosch in July 2011.
Deadline date: 31 May 2011;
Contact: Sheila Walwyn - 021 683 5497
· Artisan Gallery in Durban in September 2011.
Deadline date: end of August.
Contact: Sue Greenberg - 031 312 4364
If you Google "Kimonos" you can find all kinds of information to inspire you in your interpretation of this theme based on the ethos of the Kimono. It could be an African version, it may be wearable or not, in whatever type of fibre and/or embellishments you are interested in using - stitching, printing, knitting, waxing, tying, beading, paper, textile etc. Carolyn Zelenka has a kimono pattern if you need one and she has sent a 5 page article on kimonos which is attached to the Fibreworks newsletter for you to download if you so wish.
Also see:

· Achievements of members:

· Lynette Douglas

I was busy with hat orders for the Durban July, then in September exhibited at the SMME fair in Durban with two young milliners being featured on my stand as a means of giving them encouragement.

Also in September I made three outrageous hats to be worn by three bronze statues at the Durban art gallery for their open evening, something unusual!

· Odette Tolksdorf, Rosalie Dace, Sally Scott

Three Fibreworks members, Odette Tolksdorf, Rosalie Dace and Sally Scott, have work in a new book: The Art Quilt Collection, Designs and Inspiration from Around the World. Each work is shown in full image and in close-up. The book has an Introduction by Linda Seward and is published by Penn Publishing.

· Odette Tolksdorf

Odette Tolksdorf was invited to exhibit her quilts from September 12 to October 31 at the Ohio Craft Museum in Columbus, Ohio. Fifteen quilts were shown together with a travelling exhibition of contemporary jewellery from Stellenbosch University called Dichotomies in Objects. The curator felt that the textiles and the jewellery would enhance each other in the gallery space. The Ohio Craft Museum was founded by Ohio Designer Craftsmen and is a not-for-profit organization with over 2100 members.
SEE: and

artSPACE Durban Gallery Annual Affordable Art Show
Odette Tolksdorf had 2 small works (This Too-Svetlana and This Too-Nokuthula) accepted for the 2010 Annual Affordable Art Show at ArtSPACE Durban Gallery. This show is one of the most popular exhibitions at ArtSpace Gallery since its inception 8 years ago. It opened on 29 November and this year the maximum sale price is R3,500.

· Cornelia Robinson

Cornelia and her daughter took part in SA Fashion in Sandton with her knit and crochet designs and felt and machine embroidery under the label KiCo wearable art.

· Karen Arbeter, Elaine Barnard, Helga Beaumont, Rosalie Dace, Jeanette Gilks, Carolyn Kode, Lubi Koorts, Sally Scott, Kim Tedder, Sheila Walwyn, Karen Wentworth.

30 South African fibre artists were invited to participate in a Director's Challenge with 30 artists invited from Japan and 30 artists from France. 30 Directors names were chosen, and one quilter in each country was given the same movie director to work on. These three works of art will be hung alongside one another at the various exhibitions, which should make for an exciting exhibition.

Exhibitions - They will first be exhibited at the Yokohama International Quilt Week which takes place from the 26 to 28 November 2010. Thereafter they will be exhibited in France at several venues and finally in South Africa once again at several venues.

· Kim Tedder
I have at last sent an entry to the World Quilt Competition! First time my work has been big enough; I was pleased to have it accepted. Right now I am working on an entry for SAQG's travelling exhibition Jewels of the Earth: lovely title to work with - should produce some colourful results.

· Interesting Articles

South African Artist to Receive Kyoto Prize
Published: June 20, 2010
The South African visual artist William Kentridge will receive Japan's Kyoto Prize in Arts and Philosophy, the Inamori Foundation announced on Friday. The foundation, in Kyoto, Japan, honors individuals who have made "significant contributions to the betterment of society." Mr. Kentridge is best known for his animated films, which he calls "drawings in motion," about the history and social circumstances of postcolonial South Africa, which he began sketching from charcoals and pastels in the 1980s. The foundation praised Mr. Kentridge, above, in a statement on its Web site "for his originality as an artist whose wide-ranging activities encompass drawing, animation, stage direction and writing." It continued, "His deep insights and profound reflections on the nature of human existence provide opportunities to consider fundamental issues that could face any individual in the world." Mr. Kentridge joins two other winners: Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese medical scientist who will be awarded the prize for advanced technology, and the Hungarian mathematician Laszlo Lovasz, who will receive the award for basic sciences. Each recipient will be given a diploma, a gold medal and about $550,000 during a week of ceremonies in Kyoto, beginning on Nov. 9.

Should visual artists get a percentage of resale prices ?
Abridged version from an article in Canada's Saturday's Globe and Mail
In 59 countries including most of Europe, an artist gets a small percentage (from a fraction of one per cent to five per cent, depending on the sale price) of the hammer price of resold artwork thanks to a principle known as "droit de suite," or the artist's resale right.
The right, which has existed in France for decades but was only introduced to the U.K. in 2006, means that an artist, who may have previously sold works for low prices, can benefit from rising prices on subsequent sales of those pieces. The law applies after death too, so that an artist's heirs would get a share until copyright expires, 75 years after death in most of these countries.
"The whole value of an art work is not made on the original sale," said April Britski, national executive director of the Canadian Arts Representation (CARFAC). "Visual artists are at a great disadvantage compared to writers or musicians who keep getting money from recordings or books. [With art,] you sell it once and it's gone." Britski said the right would be particularly valuable to older artists and to Canada's aboriginal artists, who may sell works for much less than urban collectors eventually pay for them. Australia has just adopted the right specifically to address the exploitation of its aboriginal artists.
Should artists get a share of the appreciation in value of their work?

· Call for Entries

1. VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011
World Textile Art Organization
May 16 - 31,2011

2. Fantastic Fibers 2011
based in Paducah, Kentucky, USA - Online submission Deadline is February 15th at midnight, and all accepted entries will be announced through the website by February 21st.

3. SA National Quilt Festival 2011
Competition Sue Prins Tel: +27 28 314 1918 +27 28 314 1918
Quilt Registrar Hazelmay Duncan Tel: +27 21 531 6067

4. Festival of Quilts 2011 - Birmingham NEC UK
The competition entries form a huge part of the Festival of Quilts and attract around 1,000 entries. How can you run a quilt festival without quilts?!
In 2010, we received entries from all over the globe including the Bahamas, Brunei and the Falkland Islands!

The process for entering is simple:
Step 1: Register your interest by 29/4/2011
Step 2: Return your Entry form(s) by 27/5/2011
Step 3: Send or deliver your quilt!

· Events

1.Durban Art Gallery
Jabulisa 2010 the art and craft of KwaZulu-Natal
Opened Friday 10 December 2010 at the Durban Art Gallery, 2nd Floor, City Hall, Anton Lembede Street (formerly Smith Street), Durban
Last day to view the exhibition Sunday 23 January 2011
Gallery hours: Monday to Saturday 08:30 - 16:00, Sunday 11:00 - 16:00 Closed Xmas Day and Good Friday

2.The National Quilt Festival
will be held by Good Hope Quilters

The next Quilt Festival will be held from 1 - 7 July 2011 at the Bloemhof Girls' School in Stellenbosch and the theme is "Alive with Colour"
Please be sure to visit their website for more information
Contact: Wanda Carmichael

3. Festival of Quilts 2011 - Birmingham NEC, UK,
the leading quilt show in Europe

Dates for 2011: 11th to 14th August

The Festival of Quilts (organised with the support of the Quilters Guild of the British Isles) has earned a reputation over the past eight years as the largest, most inspiring quilting event in Europe - with good reason! The Festival of Quilts boasts a host of gallery exhibitions from leading international artists and groups; the list for 2011 will be announced in February/March.
Over 250 companies will be selling all those hard-to-find patchwork and quilting supplies, so bring your shopping bags! We also offer The Quilt Academy with a stunning programme of nearly 100 master classes, workshops and lectures, and the Quick & Easy workshops provide another 100 plus sessions aimed at beginners. The full schedule should be available in February/March 2011.

4.11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence Bunbury 2011
Felt Convergence Bunbury

5.The Knitting and Stitching Show
Will be held at the Alexandra Palace from the 6th to the 9th October 2011

· Interesting websites


· Quotes

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, covered in scars, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'yahoo!', what a ride!
Author Unknown

I am woman! I am invincible! I am pooped!
Author Unknown

"The supreme art of the teacher," said Albert Einstein, "is to awaken joy."
"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." (Mark Van Doren)

From the Robert Genn newsletter [] :

Fact is, the pursuit of art is a delicate balance between influence and self-assertiveness. As self-realized artists we all have different levels of tolerance for this mystery. Influence is like Scotch; it's good to know your personal limit.

PS: "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." (Oscar Wilde) "Be selective about your external influences." (Brian Tracy)

Esoterica: Excessive influence, even from the work of others in art magazines or books, can lead to malfunctions of the creative spirit. Fen Lansdowne, the brilliant and widely-published bird painter who recently passed away, suffered from a lifelong malady called "The Imposter Syndrome." Comparing himself to others sent Fen into a dark and angry funk that sometimes lasted weeks. When he figured out the cure, it was pretty straightforward: Watch birds. Do drawings. Paint birds.

That's all for now! If you have any news for our next newsletter please send it to


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