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Newsletter November 2013

Dear ALL

Dates to diarize:

  • 11am 8th December - 23 February THREADS - Celebrating Jutta Faulds Jutta Faulds' 80th Birthday Exhibition. Tatham Art Gallery.

  • 15th January 2014 Final day for submission of entry forms and proof of payment for the Sculptural Fibre Art Exhibition - IQCAfrica 2014. More on this later.

  • December 2013. We will be told whether or not we are invited as a Main exhibitor at the National Arts Festival (NAF) in Grahamstown next year 2014. This exhibition will become Fibreworks VIII, entitled 'Energy', a themed exhibition. More on the NAF in Grahamstown later.

  • 17 January 2014 and 17 April. Images of our completed work for the NAF exhibition are to be sent via email to Helga. No late entries accepted. More on these two dates later. Helga will then send the images off to the Grahamstown exhibitions selectors/jurors.

  • 31 May delivery of art works to Grahamstown Festival. Address to be advised.

  • 3 - 12 July 2014 Fibreworks VIII at Grahamstown Festival.

  • 24 - 26 July 2014 IQC Africa Fibreworks VIII at IQC Africa in Emperor's Palace Johannesburg. More on this later.

  • 29 September - 11 October 2014 Fibreworks VIII at artSpace in Durban. We plan to have this October exhibition to coincide with our 2014 AGM.

  • July 2015 Fibreworks exhibiting at the National Quilt Show in Durban.

There will be a Christmas lunch and celebration at the Tatham after the opening at 11 am on 8 December. Everyone is invited but you have to book lunch at the Tatham.
Fibreworks AGM was held on 19 October 2013 at Odette's house.

Present: Rosalie Dace, Leonie Malherbe, Jeanette Gilks, Helga Beaumont, Annette McMaster, Margaret Ruxton, Odette Tolksdorf and Kathy Harmer Fox

Apologies: Maris Stevens, Lynette Douglas, Sue Akerman, Karin Arbeter, Colleen Harris, Jean Powell, Cathy Knox, Cornelia Robinson, Fiona Kirkwood, Margie Letts, Sheila Walwyn, Carolyn Kode, Corina Lemmer, Dana Biddle and Gillian Gerhardt and Carolyn Zelenka.

We have three new members: Faiqah Abrahams, Marilyn Pretorius and Hermine Spies Coleman. Welcome and congratulations!

The panel of three judges for assessing the new applicants were Rosalie Dace, Kathy Harmer Fox and Jeanette Gilks. We need a quorum of 25% of members to take decisions at our AGM meetings and as so few people have paid their subs this year, this was not a problem.
The decision was taken that if we are short of a quorum for new members' selection, we will send emailed images of prospective members' work to all the members after the meeting, and that they will have 24 hours to respond.

A. Fibreworks VIII National Members' Exhibition.

We are hoping to exhibit in three venues:

1) National Arts Festival (NAF) 'Energy' exhibition. 3 - 12 July 2014 in Grahamstown.
The application for the NAF Grahamstown Festival by Cathy Knox is still in process, and is looking positive.

There will be jurors for this leg of the exhibition. Good resolution images of your work must be e mailed to Helga at by 17th January and 17th April. You will note that there are two submission dates:
17th January If you have very good older work that you are proud of, feel free to submit images of it. Catherine Knox is happy that the best of our work be submitted for selection. Clearly, the size constraints will not apply here.
17th April. At the AGM this year we unanimously decided to insist on an additional, later submissions date as the likelihood of us having new work completed by the 17th January is pretty remote! This later date, I hope, will service the new works we will complete in the New Year.

Remember that there are three specific sizes for this exhibition: 25cm square, 90cm square or Outsize (no side shorter than 120cm) Please note that these size restrictions refer to new work only.

Please make note of the following points:
  • You can submit work from the IQCAfrica 2013 for jurying on 17 January 2014.
  • Please make a 25 x 25 cm wall hanging for Major Minors V. This will hang as a composite group. There will be no Major Minors V catalogue.
  • If we get into the NAF Festival, there's a chance that there could be a catalogue to showcase our work, although not all work submitted for the catalogue will necessarily be included - it is up to the jurors/exhibitions committee.
  • Cathy Knox and Odette Tolksdorf are the editorial team for this exhibition. They reserve the right to request additional information and to edit any text submitted by an artist. They will get back to you with the final version of the text before it is printed.
  • NAF will need biography panels with coloured photo's of the artists. Please prepare these carefully. More information will be provided closer to the time.
  • Bigger works are encouraged. If your work is longer than 3 m you will have to let us/ the NAF exhibitions hanging committee know so that arrangements can be made to hang it.
  • All works to have a hanging sleeve or suitable hanging mechanism.
  • Works can be 3D, but you are responsible for your own insurance and the careful packing of the pieces. Display arrangements must be clear

There will be invited artists exhibiting with Fibreworks - details will be known soon.

2) IQC Africa Exhibition 2014 in Johannesburg.
Please note there are various exhibitions planned for next years show. Here are details for 2 of them. Check the web site for the Challenge details.

a) Pieces from Fibreworks VIII will be showcased at the International Quilt Convention Africa 2014 in Emperor's Palace Johannesburg two weeks after Grahamstown closes.

Here is what Dana has to say:
"I just spoke to Owen and we will have exhibition space at IQCA again next year. He is happy to have the work from Grahamstown included if that goes ahead, and we can add to that if we want to. Our exhibition will travel with the Challenge exhibition after IQCA for one year. I can't confirm yet exactly where it will go but France is on the cards. We are looking for a co- sponsor to help cover the travelling costs, if anyone has any ideas can they please contact me. Owen reserves the right to take only selected works if necessary.
Size restriction for 2014 will be no side longer than 2m and no side shorter than 50cm.

Each work must be made up of only one piece and must be hang ready. IQCA will provide the hanging mechanism unless yours is integral to your work.
Sleeves must measure 10cm wide and be placed 2.5cm from the top of your work.

If you want your work to travel, it must be able to fold to no larger than 50 x 50cm and must not include any banned materials - e.g. feathers, porcupine quills etc.
More than one work can be accepted from each artist and we will hang as many as possible."

b) This Johannesburg show is also including a Sculptural Fibre Art Exhibition.
Here follows the details as provided by Dana Biddle.

"After a few requests, we have decided to have an exhibition dedicated to 3D works at the IQCA 2014. This will be an extra exhibition, separate from the Challenge and Fibreworks exhibitions."

Here are the details:
1. Entries will be accepted from artists living in South Africa only.
2. Fibre/textiles must be the majority of materials used in each entry.
3. Each piece to measure no more than one m³ unless arranged with organisers by no later than 15th January 2014.
4. Artists will be responsible for getting their work to and collecting from the collection points for the exhibition and for their own insurance.
5. R300 entry fee per piece.
6. Artists may enter more than one piece.
7. Work may be for sale - prospective buyers will be directed to the artist concerned.
8. There is a chance that this exhibition may be able to travel locally if we can find a sponsor.

15th January 2014: Final day for submission of entry forms and proof of payment.
15th June 2014: Final dimensions to be sent.
15th July 2014: Final day for delivery of work.

See entry form for the sculpture exhibition at the end of this newsletter.

As you can see, the show in Johannesburg is growing. It is enlarging its premises, will have workshops from 23 - 27 July and the exhibition and market will run from 24 - 26 July.

3) ArtSpace, Durban

The final venue for Fibreworks VIII will be AstSpace Durban from 29 September - 11 October 2014. This will correspond with our AGM dates.

Hopefully Fibreworks VIII will have travelled to three venues/cities during the course of 2014.

B. THREADS - Celebrating Jutta Faulds
Congratulations Jutta, on your grand arrival at the threshold of your 8th decade on this planet! This should be an exciting exhibition as a number of us have submitted work to celebrate. Celia is opening this exhibition and we look forward to her address.

C. Durban National Quilt Festival 2015
We will be exhibiting at the Durban National Quilt Festival in 2015. The theme for the National Show is Creative Energy.

D. Major Minors IV
The artworks have had a successful run to Kenya, Canada and Harare. A big thank you to the Rebelo sisters who carried them to Canada. On their return to South Africa we will be sending them back to you. That should be in January 2014.

Web site
This is up to date. We are considering a Facebook page and are currently talking to Kathy Harmer Fox and Amanda Beaumont in this regard. We will keep you posted on the developments here.

Please pay your subs as they are used in the running of Fibreworks. The bank details are at the top of each newsletter and the amount is R150. Please contact Kathy Harmer Fox, our new Treasurer, if you want to check on your subs. Kathy's email address

Office bearers.
A big Thank You to Margaret Ruxton, Helga Beaumont, Odette Tolksdorf and Dana Biddle for their contribution to the smooth running of Fibreworks this year.
Chairman and editor: Jeanette Gilks
Secretary: Helga Beaumont
Treasurer: Kathy Harmer Fox
The archives are up to date.

At the AGM Margaret Ruxton announced that she will be resigning as Treasurer as she and her husband are moving to the UK next year. Here is what Odette has to say on behalf of all of us:
"She has been a longstanding and reliable Fibreworks Treasurer, well known for her delightful artworks, gardening advice, and homegrown Jerusalem Artichoke pie! Margaret will be greatly missed by all of us, for her wise and thoughtful contributions to Fibreworks meetings and her kindness. Thank you Margaret for all this and much more! "
Our very best wishes to Margaret and Mike on their new venture and we look forward to hearing their news from across the ocean.
Kathy Harmer Fox gallantly offered to take over the Treasurer portfolio from Margaret. Thank you very much Kathy!
Our heartfelt condolences to Kim Tedder whose husband died in October.


Entry form
Sculptural Fibre Art Exhibition
IQCAfrica 2014

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Physical Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Postal Address: ……………………………………….

…………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………….
Tel.: …………………………………………………………………………
Mobile: ……………………………………………………

E-mail.: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Estimated size of work: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Bank details
All entry fees to be paid into
Little Bird Media cc
cheque: 62385334348
Branch code 210314

Please make sure that your deposit is easily identifiable with your name and "3D" clearly stated.

Dana Biddle
016 349 2949 Jeanette

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