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Dear ALL
We had our AGM via Zoom on 4 October. Present: R Dace, C De Villiers, T Horan, K Tedder, K Harmer Fox, J Gilks, S Ganasen, H Beaumont, S Scott, A McMaster, T De Harde, M Letts, L Van Wyk, G Niederhumer, C Lemmer, B Murray and S Walwyn. Apologies: S Akerman, K Arbiter, M Schindler, M Claasč, K Knox and O Tolksdorf The items on the AGM agenda were addressed after Sally's talk. New Members: Exhibitions: A) IDEAS FOR FIBREWORKS EXHIBITION
Elaine Barnard proposed something recently and I think it's worth consideration. She's suggested a theme linked to plastic wastage/pollution, perhaps linked to the sea and suggested we link it with the theme of the next National Quilt Show to be held in Gqeberha in 2026. Their theme is Sew Awareness - linking quilting to promoting environmental awareness. This matter needs to be discussed further on the Zoom meeting 22nd November as our biennial show is a stand alone affair. We could invite other artists too, who are involved with recycling waste materials. I have found that many galleries now are more likely to host shows that have a socially relevant agenda, and climate change and pollution are moving significantly up on their agendas. (Perhaps even to replace gender related issues and identity). Working with out-reach communities, as we have discussed at length in the past, is also favorably looked upon, but this kind of exhibition experience can be difficult and time-consuming and requires a special kind of dedication. 'Animism' is another theme that Odette Tolksdorf raised: I read that Li Edelkoorts' (a Dutch trend forecaster) next big thing is Animism. What is animism in simple words Animism is the doctrine that every natural thing in the universe has a soul. If you believe in animism, you believe that ostriches, cactuses, mountains, and thunder are all spiritual beings. Animism is the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Animism perceives all things animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork, and in some cases words as being animated, having agency and free will. Wikipedia What is animism The belief that every object contains a spirit or soul. The word animism is derived from the Latin word animus, meaning 'spirit' or 'soul'. Its basic principle may be stated simply as 'everything is alive' or 'everything has a soul'. 11 Sept 2024 the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe. "a village steeped in ancient animism and rituals" We can try once again and submit a new proposal to the galleries in Bloemfontein and Kimberley as suggested by Odette Tolksdorf as galleries need to book exhibition spaces sometimes two years in advance. However, I am not holding my breath. I recall we have approached these galleries in the past and were pleasantly declined. There are a few galleries in the Durban and Umhlanga vicinity we can approach. I think we should give the Tatham a miss as the center of Pietermaritzburg is now a sad, grubby and dangerous place. Perhaps Corina Lemmer can let us have her honest opinion about recent developments in the city. Gina Niederhumer has made enquiries at the Spin Street gallery in Cape Town but has had no response.? She is enquiring at B) Regional Fiberworks shows Please forward plans that you may have regarding Fibeworks regional shows next year. I know Jenny Hearn has some ideas about a possible exhibition in the White River Gallery. It is a large well- lit gallery with white walls and is in Castorbridge, a tourist attraction with many designer shops and unique furniture makers. Gina Niederhumer has made enquiries at the Spin Street gallery in Cape Town but has had no response.? She is enquiring at We will discuss both the regional and our biennial show at our meeting in November, so put your thinking caps on! The assignment of monies to Fibreworks regional exhibitions. As a result of the bit of money that Fibreworks will save by not paying for the return of work from the exhibitions, I proposed an idea that prompted an immediate and heated discussion on Zoom. Because some people might have misunderstood my proposal, and other people's proposals, I have decided to write them down clearly for everyone to study. I have also laid down some of the objections to this idea. Please think carefully and thoroughly digest what is written here, and at our next Zoom meeting we will hear people's considered opinions. If you have further ideas that need to be aired and shared, good! We always look forward to hearing the member's thoughts. By the way we are discussing regional shows here and not our biennial shows. There are always funds available for these biennial shows which occur every second year. As a member of Fibreworks you are expected to participate in these national shows. We had our Fibreworks XII show in Pretoria at the Tina Skukan Gallery in June 2024. The question is; do we pay the curators for these shows? Jeanette Gilks' initial proposal: Assign a specified amount of money - not exceeding R5,000 - to the regional members who are coordinating the regional show. This amount would include any curator's fee. This money would cover the petrol costs in collecting and ferrying the artwork to the exhibition venue, advertising e.g. signage, flyers, posters, invitations, any additional materials and supplies needed for the installation and hanging of works e.g. lathes etc., and the cost of the opening event. This includes food and drinks and refreshments. Possibly some payment for the guest speaker and his/her petrol costs if they are traveling from afar. This money would also cover a small payment to the Fibreworks exhibition coordinators themselves who have put aside their time. And considerable time is sometimes spent on the organization of shows. The money put aside to the regional shows would be spent in any way the Fibreworks coordinators saw fit. Other people opposed this idea outright. Helga Beaumont feels that members of Fibreworks have never been paid for their contribution to Fibreworks in 24 years. Fibreworks has exhibited in venues across the country and different people have volunteered and given happily of their time. It was understood that when you join the group and if you help or take a position in the group you do so willingly. You do not expect the group to pay you. We have always relied on members input without remuneration. By exhibiting in different venues across the country, various members get an opportunity to run a show and carry the load. A number of members feel that the money that Fibreworks has accrued should go only towards exhibition costs and ought not be paid to individuals. Do we want to continue with the system we presently have or do we allow the curator to spend the money any way they like? We will discuss this at the meeting in November. Website: New members are encouraged to send their work to Helga to be included in the Fibreworks website. You need to send a high-res image of the work and then submit it. Surname first and then the title i.e. Beaumont The state of my mind. Add a short description of the work of no more than 200 words, together with dimensions and materials.?? If you are still unsure, please look at the web site. Cathy Knox asked if we would put prices on the web site. As we don't know what the postage would be, it becomes very difficult to know what to charge. Postage in South Africa is very different to postage to the UK! At the moment, if there is a query about your work, we put the buyer in touch with you and you negotiate the postage and sale.? Remember to include a commission of 10% that goes to Fibreworks. That's all for now folks! Jeanette and Helga |