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Newsletter October 2017

Dear ALL



Fri. 1 December:End of Year gathering, Durban venue TBC !

4 - 24 September 2018: Fibreworks X to be held at the KZN gallery in Durban

NB. Please note that the points raised at each meeting are incorporated in the main body of the newsletter.


Our AGM was held on 13 October 2017 in Pietermaritzburg.
Members present: J Gilks, S.Naidoo, G. Gerhard, S. Akerman, S. Physick, J. Faulds, O Tolksdorf, A. McMaster and H Beaumont,

Apologies: M.Letts, L.Koorts C. Harris, D. Biddle, J Hearn, R. Dace, K. Arbeter, K. Tedder, C deVilliers, C. Robinson I. Manyuchi and K.Harmer Fox
First on the agenda was a discussion on the work submitted to Fibreworks for assessment. The work submitted was unanimously approved, and we all welcome Joan Barnes to Fibreworks and hope she will enjoy being part of our group!

A lively discussion then followed on what constitutes good work: a good concept and a good composition/design. Aesthetics - the overall visual components of the artwork - remains paramount.

Jutta and Annette

Jutta Faulds and Annette McMaster thrashing out finer aesthetic principles!


Fibreworks X. EDGE

Our 20th Anniversary exhibition will be held in 2018 at the KZNSA gallery in Durban. Hallelujah! It is very good to announce that we have a venue. Those of us that have been involved in venue-hunting in the past know how tiring and exasperating it can be!

We have booked the Main Gallery which is the largest space so we need masses of excellent work to fill it! The advantage of this gallery is that it has a very high end-wall: Any takers for something monumental? We hope you are all planning to participate.

The estimated cost of the KZNSA gallery is as follows:

Gallery: R10345.50
Publicity R4309.20
Hanging R3078.00
Total R17,732.70 (VAT incl)

This is a lot of money, but hopefully with subs and artists' payments, Fibreworks will end up paying in ±R10 000.00

After some intense discussions at our various meetings, it has been decided that there should be three sections to the show. In no particular order of merit, here they are:

  • Major Minors VIII.
  • A themed section
  • A non themed section
Major Minors VIII:

Old works can be exhibited with new works. Please may the new outnumber the old!

Themed section:

The object here is to create an artwork that has been inspired by any artwork featured in any National South African Gallery or art museum. Please refer to the last few Fibreworks newsletters to refresh memories. We have discussed and written about this extensively.

Size: no side smaller than 30 cm and no side larger than 150 cm.
Remember you need to include one image of the chosen art work and artist to be displayed during the exhibition. Make sure you have the permission of the gallery. See the attached Cathy Knox letter as a guide line.

I imagine that all the work created in this category will be new.

Non Themed section:

In this section old works are welcome, provided that they have not been displayed in Durban. Also feel free to create new works that are not inspired from works in South African galleries. Hope all is clear. Now Get Cracking!

The KZNSA gallery have insisted that they be part of the selection, installation and curating of the show. They have strongly recommended a hangman. (Hangman being an appropriate word, perhaps, considering these are our final executions!) One member at the Fibreworks AGM was concerned that this would result in a possible culling of some works for the exhibition, but since many shows have a selection process in place anyway, the general consensus was that this would be acceptable, if not desirable.


There was a lively and stimulating chatter about the title of the exhibition and finally there was a general approval for 'EDGE'. If you brainstorm the word for a moment, it puts you in touch with variety or words and associations that are both expansive, inclusive and daring …exactly what we are about! We talked about the concept over our delicious breakfast/lunch together and afterwards I gave the word to some other friends of mine. Here are the combined brainstormings:

Ultimate, as far as it goes, sharp, slice, cutting, abyss, pinnacle, drop, chasm, peak, flying, view, sheer, precipice, tipping point, beginning, end, between, border, adventurous, first … the list goes on and on.

Major Minors: R100 per member, irrespective of how many pieces you submit.

Fibreworks EDGE: R200 per member. This gives you entry to both the themed and non themed sections. Again, you are free to submit as many works as you like.

Please note that paying your subs makes you eligible for participation in Fibreworks exhibitions. The KZNSA gallery is a commercial gallery and costs are higher than non-commercial galleries.

We also discussed various possible invited artists who work 3 dimensionally. Names were selected and we will follow up.

We would like this exhibition to travel, although this costs! If you know of any gallery that may be willing to have the exhibition, please let us know and we will discuss it.


I am happy to carry on writing the quarterly Fibreworks newsletter. Many thanks for the input from Helga and Odette.


If you want to update your personal page, send Helga the information by May 2018 so she can update the web site.


We use a program called AceMoney which we tally to the bank statements. This means we have an accurate reflection of what comes in, from where and how we spend the money.

As some members pay in advance and some pay in arrears, when we print the statement from 1 October 2016 to 31 October 2017 it may not reflect our membership accurately. Quite a few members have paid their subs - others are a bit more tardy, so we hope they will soon make amends! Helga has sent out reminders.

Absa bank now charges a monthly fee, and a statement fee. We have tried Capitec and Standard bank, but Absa's fees are still the cheapest. Capitec would be perfect, but they won't allow a group account. It has to be in one person's name, so that is not an option.

The finances include the Port Elizabeth and the Cape Town exhibition as we received the money in October 2016 and paid artists in November.

The return of art works was very expensive as you will see from the accounts schedule below. Your subs and artist's payments help to pay for this. Fibreworks pays extras where possible, as we have accumulated money in our account due in particular to catalogue sales.


I have agreed to stay as Chairman, Helga as Secretary and Sarojani Naidoo has agreed to become Treasurer. If you make any payments you must please let Sarojani know:


I will carry on with updating the archives.


We had a round table discussion on issues that members raised.

Celia is rebuilding a beautiful artist's retreat in Portugal. She has sent a letter and invited members to consider a trip there.

Rosalie is back in America after a stint in New Zealand.

NEWS FROM MEMBERS Please send us your news to share!

  • Jeanette Gilks
    Marsha McDowell asked me to write a short paper on the history and significance of Fibreworks for a book she is compiling on South African textiles/quilts. I will tell you all more about it when I have the details. Once the book comes out, I will print the article in the newsletter.
  • Odette Tolksdorf
    A recently published Bulgarian art & design textbook for 12-13 year old school children, contains photos of 5 of my textile works. The book is written by Prof. Mariana Garmidolova (Moynova) from the St. Cyril & St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Great Tarnovo) in Bulgaria.
    I have a PDF copy of the book which is written in Bulgarian Cyrillic so unfortunately I can't read it but can only look at the pictures used to illustrate the text.

Thanks to all involved in keeping our group together over the last 20 years.

Much love sent to all

Jeanette and The Team

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