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Newsletter July 2023

Dear ALL

Dates to diarise:

  • 10 August Photo's for the Stellenbosch Art and Craft Gallery to be sent to Mari Claasse.
  • 11 - 13 August Hilton Arts Festival. More on this later.
  • 2 October - Mid November Exhibition at the Stellenbosch Art and Craft Gallery . More details below
We had a Fibreworks meeting at Annette's home on 24 June 2023:

Present: Rosalie Dace, Jeanette Gilks, Sally Scott, AnnetteMcMaster, Sue Akerman, Sarojani Naidoo, Helga Beaumont.

Apology: Barbara Murray.

Thanks everyone who attended the meeting in Pietermaritzburg at Annette's house. We were welcomed by her sparkling garden and wafts of delicious food and filter coffee laid out on her dining room table. Lovely. Thanks Annette.

Hereunder are the salient points that were raised at the meeting on 24th June. Please have a relook at the March newsletter for a background knowledge of the changes we are envisioning for our group.
  • We took the decision that henceforward all Fibreworks quarterly meetings would be Zoom meetings. Since Zoom meetings will give all members the opportunity to attend the sessions, our meetings will no longer be construed as a predominantly KZN affair. Good. In person, F2F meetings can still nevertheless take place should extraordinary circumstances demand this.
  • Assessment of potential members' work:
  1. As all members will now have a voice in every quarterly meeting - not only at the AGM - it was decided that potential members' work can be assessed at any one of the 4 meetings we hold during the year, not just the AGM. This will speed up administrative business considerably and potential members will know if their application was successful far sooner.
  2. Since the assessment of any new work will continue to be a democratic process, current members ought to make every effort to attend the Zoom meetings, should there be any new work that needs to be assessed. Your voice and your vote are important and needed.
  3. There are several matters that we need to consider when we are voting in a potential member and these need to be finalized. Hopefully we will have something in place at the October AGM that can be tweaked, if necessary, when it's presented to the group as a whole.
    Some of the matters include:
    • Precisely how the new voting system will operate now that we are all looking at all the work on line. Rosalie undertook to investigate a possible voting system.
    • Having time to read the artists' statements, read all the written documentation.
    • Having time to visually digest all the work.
    • How many artworks do we need to see to make an accurate assessment?
    • All vote in silence followed by discussion if necessary
    • What % of aye votes are needed for automatic admission
    • Possibility of an anonymous vote
    • Open discussion between members should anyone feel strongly about an admission/non admission
  4. We may will need to make changes to our Constitution and Guidelines and possibly have a relook at our Document of Intent. What are the broad parameter of this group? How do we distinguish ourselves from other textile/quilting groups? What is our USP? Unique Selling Point that will enable us to attract new members?
  5. Submission of work by potential members needs to be amended and the Fibreworks Website altered accordingly. This needs to be done soonest as potential members need to know how and what to submit for review at our AGM.
In February we received an application from Jenny Retief and after reviewing her application and having a quorum at the meeting, she was unanimously voted in as a new member. Welcome Jen to Fibreworks.
  • Hilton Arts Festival and the promotion of Fibreworks
Cathy Knox has presented good reasons why Fibreworks should use the Festival as a publicity exercise and after a spirited discussion, we unanimously decided to use this opportunity and the Stellenbosch Art and Craft Gallery in the Cape, coordinated by Marie Claase, to seriously promote the group. These shows will highlight our visibility. Fibreworks has therefore decided to contribute a small amount to these events to thoroughly advertise our cause. Now is the time to sell our brand and hopefully recruit new and hopefully younger members. There are a great number of people working in a fibre medium and we need to lure them into our den! Now is the time for rejuvenation.

Initially we were promoting the Hilton Festival as a purely KZN exhibition and therefore Fibreworks funding was not an option. However, as the meeting evolved, coupled with conversations with Cathy and Sue Clarens - coordinator of the festival - the KZN exhibition morphed into an opportunity to showcase the Fibreworks group as a whole. If successful, we would consider exhibiting there next year again.

Jenny Hearn suggested the Turbine Art Fair in Johannesburg but the costs are just too expensive. This venue could be used by individual artists wishing to display artwork there.

However, we have been accepted at the Tina Skukan Gallery in Pretoria in May 2024. Jenny will update us in the next newsletter. Thanks Jenny and Tilly for your efforts.
  • Stellenbosch Art and Craft Gallery - Spring Exhibition
Mari Claasse has organized an exhibition of art works for the Stellenbosch Art and Craft Gallery from 2 October to mid November. It is open to all paid up Fibreworks members. It is titled the Spring Exhibition.

Here are the dates for you to diarize:
10 August - photo's to be sent to Mari at her email:
Mari will let you know if your work is selected.

Work to be delivered by 18 September to Mari.
Her address is Worcester Postnet
Mountain Mill Mall
Worcester 6850
  • News from Members
Rosalie Dace.

People may be interested in watching the Textile Talk series of weekly presentations and panel discussions from the International Quilt Museum, Quilt Alliance, SAQA, and Surface Design Association. You can register for free to watch them live at 8.00pm every Wednesday night. All talks are recorded and are then on YouTube.

Go to or to YouTube to find talks that have been recorded.

Thanks All


Below is a picture taken of a meeting in about 2011.

FW Meeting 2011

Odette Tolksdorf (Right), Jenny Hearn, Margaret Ruxton, Judy Breytenbach, Sue Akerman, Dana Biddle, Leonie Malherbe, Jeanette Gilks, Annette McMaster, Jutta Faulds, Carolyn Zelenka, Jean Powell.

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