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Dear ALL
As a result of civil unrest the opening planned for the 18th July was postponed until 1 August. We have included the invitation in this newsletter and hope you will join us for the virtual opening. The web site address is As the exhibition only closes in October, we may do a walkabout during the next month or so. We may even be able to have our AGM there in October - who knows. Everything in our world is fluid and unpredictable at the moment, so it's wise to just Roll with the Punches, I guess! I am pleased to read on the WhatsApp chats that everyone appears to be well and safe and in good spirits, generally, Good. May things remain this way. ![]() Thank to everyone who participated in the panel discussion on Roy's works! This will be posted on the web site in due course. We still have a lot to learn about Zoom interactions, but with practice we are going to Get Good at this! Thanks Rosalie for hosting it for us professionally and for Halford's input, once again. Please thank him on our behalf. And more thanks to Odette Tolksdorf and Helga Beaumont who spent considerable time calculating and deciding on appropiate and reasonable prices for all Roy's works. For your information, they based the prices on the valuation that Stefan Welz and Co Auctioneers had given one of Roy's works which we sent to them some 18 months ago. Helga and Odette calculated the price per cm, measured each quilt and worked it from there. Well done. And a final Big Thanks to Helga and Odette who selected 18 large works of Roy's, and mightily ferried them to Pietermaritzburg the day before the riots. Thank goodness the gallery was not set alight as the buildings all around it were. I'm told Church Street is totally destroyed. What a week. Sadly Annette McMaster's workshop at the Tatham has also been cancelled due to the civil unrest and Covid situation. After Roy Starke's exhibition at the Tatham, Fibreworks will be giving away Roy's work as we can no longer store and hold onto it. We have owned and exhibited and been looking after these works since 2019. If any Fibreworks member is interested in taking any of Roy's work, there will be no charge except for the mailing cost. Contact Helga is you are interested. The link to Roy's works are on our web site at Starke Gallery/index.html. His biography and more information is also available on his website:
Odette Tolksdorf, Tilly de Harde and Jenny Hearn attended the opening. Was there anyone else? We do not mean to leave you out! Odette told me there was a very good feeling in the gallery with delicious snacks and drinks and that the works were beautifully displayed. The gallery is well worth a visit if you ever get to Pretoria as it is housed in an interesting building with an Anton Smit sculpture on the top floor. Lucy organized for some of the works to be displayed in a boutique hotel in Pretoria. Well done Kathy Harmer Fox and Mandy Shindler whose work was selected for an additional showing! Was there anyone else? We are considering contacting Lucy to discuss having a future Fibreworks National exhibition at her gallery.
Now that we have finally sorted out the return of works from these exhibitions, we would like you to take note of the following as we have had queries and complaints: Insurance and insuring work Please find attached the Entry Form for the Fibreworks microMACRO exhibition. Under Conditions of Entry, note the following: Whilst every care will be taken with the handling of art works, Fibreworks cannot be held responsible should works be lost or damaged in any way. We suggest that you insure your artworks for while they are in transit and in situ at the gallery. This condition of entry is based on the Artists' Responsibilities as laid out in the Fibreworks Constitution, Constitution Guide lines. Please see attached document, page 4. Everyone should familiarize themselves with these responsibilities, in particular the newer members who may be unfamiliar with this document. Postage We have had queries from artists whose works are very large and/or who sent numerous entries whose transport costs were very high. It is not Fibreworks' responsibility as set out in the Constitution, attached. On page 5, under b) Fibreworks Co-ordinator's Responsibilies, Exhibition Guide-lines, please see the following: Cost of returning unsold works to artists will be borne by Fibreworks within reason. The work will be sent by post office with a tracking number. Should this not suit the artist, a separate arrangement/agreement must be made with the curator. We hope it is clear and fair to all members.
Please note that your Fibreworks annual fee gives you the right of featuring your work on the web site. New members need to complete and return the web site consent form that was sent to you, together with the information you would like on the web site. Remember you are obliged to pay 15% commission to Fibreworks if a sale results from an enquiry about your work from the Fibreworks web site. Congratulations to Odette Tolksdorf for selling a piece through the Fibreworks website!
Everybody has the right to privacy and all information posted on these social media must be handled with confidentiality, respect and care. So we ask that all members of this group do not make use of personal information pertaining to other members for whatever reason, without obtaining the consent of the relevant person. If anyone on the group does not give their consent, they must let Helga know so she can remove their name from these groups.
Due date for entries: 15 October 2021 Closing date of Exhibition: 23 November 2021 Please contact Antoinette Kriel if you want more information about exhibiting. E-mail: Look after yourselves and stay safe Jeanette and the Team |