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Newsletter July 2010

Dear ALL

I must apologize in advance if I have left anything out of this newsletter, I managed to crash my computer and had to get a new one so I'm not sure if there was info lost with my e-mails which couldn't be retrieved. If anyone sent me info that is not here, please send it again for inclusion in the next newsletter.

Every Fibreworks member is responsible for paying annual subs. Subs are due every January and an annual reminder is sent out. If you are not sure if you have paid, please make enquiries with Margaret Ruxton. Her e-mail is Fibreworks is a volunteer organisation and all the administration work is done gratis / free of charge and without payment by Margaret Ruxton and Helga Beaumont. Please pay your subs on time so we don't have unnecessary admin. work!

Dates to diarise:

· 14 July - 4 August 2010 Fibreworks VI National members' exhibition at artb Belville, Cape. Details below
· 25 July - Submission deadline for IZIKHWEPHA ZETHU EXHIBITION
· IZIKHWEPHA ZETHU Women's Day Exhibition from the 6th August - 5th September 2010.
· 10 September - Deadline for arrival of entry materials at DBAC for Quilt National '11. Details below
· 8 - 10 October Fibreworks AGM
The Fibreworks AGM will be in KZN from 8 - 10 October. The AGM meeting is on Saturday 9 Oct. and an activity will be planned for Friday. Sunday will be the viewing of new member applications. More details to follow when venue is confirmed.
· 1 November 2010 - Applications for 10th Annual Art Inter/National Details below
· December 15 2010 - Deadline for VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011 (all categories)
February 15 2011 - Deadline for for VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011 - Collaborative Textiles-REDES (Nets) ONLY
World Textile Art Organization XALAPA, MEXICO CITY and OAXACA Mexico
· 2-7 October 2011 - 11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence 2011 which will be held in Bunbury Western Australia.

Next FIBREWORKS meeting: Saturday 9th October 2010. Venue to be confirmed



Dates: July 14 - August 4 2010

Participating artists: Fibreworks members
Joy Savage (ceramicist)
Ingrid de Haast (glass artist)
Norma Ordman an Invited Artist.

Venue: ArtB at Bellville Centre, Cape Town

Coordinators: Sheila Walwyn and Margie Garratt

July 14 1800 Opening of Exhibition
Guest Speaker: Jo-Anne Duggan

August 4 Closing of exhibition

August 5 Knockdown
Fibreworks will pay to send your work back to you by Post Office Services; as per instruction on the Entry Form. If you wish to use another courier, you must liaise with Sheila and you bear the cost.

By September 5 Payment to artists
Fibreworks is negotiating a contract whereby payment will be made
to Fibreworks by the Gallery within one month of the closing of the
exhibition. Fibreworks will then pay the artists.

· 11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence Bunbury 2011

Felt Convergence Bunbury

We are writing this note to introduce ourselves to you. We are the Committee organising the 11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence 2011 which will be held in Bunbury Western Australia from Sunday 2nd October 2011 to Friday 7th October 2011.

Convergence is a gathering of felt makers which is held every two years in either New Zealand or Australia. It is hosted by a different group and in a different location each time. Sharing knowledge is the underlying theme of the Convergence. Tutors give workshops on a voluntary basis and it is a wonderful opportunity to show case their work.

Your group may have members who will be interested in this event whether as tutors or participants. We are just beginning the extensive process of organising the Convergence and have created a blog to communicate news on the program as it develops. Our blog is also posting on lots of beautiful felting to whet appetites for things to enjoy in Bunbury in October 2011.

Could you please let your members know about us? Also, you may know of other textile or felting groups who may be interested in the Felting Convergence. Your contact details were given to me by a member of our felting group who used to live in South Africa. She does some beautiful African inspired work and is now experimenting with felt - her felt jewellery is featured on our blog.

If you have any queries please let me know.

Jacqueline Gibson on behalf of The 2011 Convergence Committee

· Members Change of Details

Roy Starke - please change email address to:

· Achievements of members:

Margie Garrett - Festival of Quilts: Birmingham 2009 August.

This particular event held in Birmingham is part of a series of quilting/textile events held in the UK and Ireland annually. Participants come largely from the UK and Europe, but there are visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. It is probably one of the largest events held in Europe. There are a host of competitions, covering every aspect of quilting and textiles. The youngest category has entrants from about 9 years old; other categories include traditional; non- traditional, art etc. etc. I believe there were about 600 entrants in the competitions with a few entrants from SA. The work was interesting, some really exciting, but the best and most innovative work were the special exhibits. These came from Korea, Russia, Japan, Northern Europe and also various International groups rather like our Fibreworks. I spent most of my time in the area where groups and individuals explored new techniques and directions; they really push the envelope with intellectual subjects, creative methods and mediums. Another delight which I have never seen before was the exhibits of textile cultural traditions. These areas filled me with delight and inspirational challenge.

Both the UK and Europe have many universities and adult education facilities that embrace and encourage contempory art; therefore giving our medium of choice validity and respect as an art form. The numbers of young people using textiles as a study medium and direction is both a delight and a challenge to the more established textile artists.
I identified following areas of exploration and new direction: dying and over dying, printing, the use of lettering and words. The use of computers as a design tool and print facilitator, multi layering of fabrics; paper and other unusual fibres, less bead work, and not as much machine embroidery as in the past. Many works also had images of ancient ruins or historical events hidden within their designs.


This exhibition curated by the Natal Arts Trust happens every 2nd year and this year Fibreworks has been wonderfully represented. 558 artworks from all over the province were submitted to the selection committee and of these 172 were selected for the exhibition. These works were submitted at 6 different points around KZN. This is a travelling exhibition and so gets huge coverage around the province. Together with this a book is produced of all the works on the exhibition.
To show the variety of the work submitted, here is a breakdown.


The Fibreworks members who had work accepted are listed as follows:


My overall impression was that there was a huge variety of work that was obviously representative of what is happening at this present time in KZN in the art and craft world. Brendan Bell from the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg writes "There is a deep commitment, deep concern and a bubbling creative energy in our province which addresses many concerns, both public and private"

This exhibition shows how exciting it is for everyone to see art and craft exhibited together. As fibre artists being on the fringe of the art world, it is definitely worth seeing and lots to learn from it and debate about. This is the way we learn so go take a closer look. Congratulations to all who had work accepted.

Lynette Douglas
is a finalist in the Extra-ordinary Hat Competition for the Durban July 2010 (there are only 10 finalists with entries from whole of SA) - good luck Lynette we hope your hat comes out tops!

Annette McMaster
Annette's work published in Pfaff book: "Art Embroidery Landscape - Let us Travel"

· Exhibitions to Participate in


An invitation to both female and male artists to submit their artworks to celebrate Women's Day Exhibition from the 6th August - 5th September 2010. The theme for this exhibition is "Izikhwepha Zethu / Our Strength 2010". The artwork will focus on social issues and the role played by both female and male artists in South African economy.

See entry form below.

10th Art Inter/National 2011

Closing date: 1 November 2010
Exhibition Dates: January 4 - January 29, 2011
Location: Box Heart Gallery
Type: Juried Theme Exhibition
Description: The 10th Annual Art Inter/National, Here and Abroad... 2011

Art Inter/National is a celebration of artistic expression from all over the world. It's an exhibition that displays how the space one occupies both influences and guides the creative process. Box Heart encourages diversity in the media used to create the work, in the artists and his/her interpretation of Art Inter/National. There are no limits or boundaries, no categories or types. Box Heart is looking for expressions in art that are not only cultivated, but also created because of each artist's place on this earth.
One artist will receive the Best of Show Award. This artist is awarded Box Heart "Artist of the Year" and receives their own Solo Exhibition in the 2012 Exhibition Year. This includes Gallery Representation with Box Heart Gallery.

Find the prospectus at

Quilt National '11
The seventeenth in the series of international juried competitions dedicated to promoting the
contemporary quilt by serving as a showcase for NEW work (completed after September 1,
2008) that provides the viewer with an appreciation of the variety of techniques and innovative
trends in the medium of layered and stitched fabric. The jurors will select works that represent
unique approaches to the medium and demonstrate the breadth and diversity of contemporary
expressions. Visitors to Quilt National '11 will see that the time-honoured traditions are thriving
and are being expressed in new forms as today's artists rise to meet the challenges of new techniques and materials.
For more info and entry forms visit

VI International Biennial of Textile Art - Mexico 2011
World Textile Art Organization
May 16 - 31, 2011

Without deviating from our intended course, World Textile Art (WTA) is working relentlessly towards a stronger promotion of any shape, content, and form of contemporary textile art.

The challenge that WTA has, is a major one - to open an unexplored path that ties its recurrent promotions of textile art to an adequate bridge that benefits, contemporary artistic creativities on the American continents as for the rest of the world.

Each WTA Biennial takes on characteristics and idiosyncrasies of its host country, for which no two are alike. The VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA - AIR will have unique qualities corresponding to Mexico, a land where textile activity is extended throughout its regions. Ancestral traditions vie for coexistence amidst the clashes wrought by imposed globalized contemporaneity.

Mexico is the land of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent. And like this mythic creature that brings wisdom and creativity to Mesoamerican peoples, the VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA -AIR will thread a serpentine path through the country. It will span three cities - Mexico City, Xalapa and Oaxaca - as the Biennial events occur in stages in the distinct venues. Each one will be memorable and unique.

The VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA -AIR will integrate different media which are part of the contemporary arts and of textiles. It carries this precept from the previous Biennial: the challenge to resignify the very concept of 'textile art' - strengthening the different investigations that hybridize explorations and question categories while maintaining textiles as the integrating concept.

Yet the VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA - AIR strives to open up even more spaces for participation. Six different Calls for Entries to the six distinct Textile Art Salons are in accord with different ways of expressing and working through textiles - be it by size, type of work, technique, concept or media. Accessible to every interested artist, projects do not compete with different types of works, but are placed in their own category, amidst peers.

Download prospectus: [All pdf files]

Salon for Large Format Textile Art
Salon for Small Format Textile Art
Salon for Time-Based Textile Art
Salon for the Textile Art Object
Salon for Recyclability in Textile Art
Salon for Collaborative Textiles-REDES (Nets)

All the works in the six Calls for Entries should be worked through these criteria, over the last two years, and for this event.

Additionally, the VI International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA - AIR will include various Sections of Invited Artists (Outdoor Works and Interior Works) the International Conference on Contemporary Textile Arts of the Universidad Veracruzana: "Considerations between Textiles and Society: a Recapitulation" Special and Parallel Exhibitions of Textile Art, Workshops, Diverse Complementary Events and Cultural Tours.

Visit website for complete details:

· Exhibition to see:
· Fairplay
Exhibition from the 3rd of July - 3rd of August 2010
Under the Ramparts -The Old Fort - Constitution Hill

Sharing visual healing journeys that explore fair/unfair interactions and frameworks in our communities

Anni Snyman, Boitumelo Project, Cheryl Cage, Erica Lüttich, Hillbrow Theatre Project,
Hillbrow Kidsweek, Leselo Project

· Interesting websites

From Roy Starke
You are invited to view my new website
I trust that my work will give you endless pleasure!

The SA Art Times is now available online -

From Lynette Douglas
I've braved earthquakes and bullets in my hunt for fabulous fabrics…

From Odette
The following website has good info. about writing an Artist Statement, CV and Biography - and to find out what the difference is:

…and more
For all things textile related visit
Another interesting site -

Do you want to sell your work?
Look at , and

· Fibreworks Website

Helga is busy updating the website. She thanks the new members for their exciting contributions to the web site.

Here are some statistics regarding the web site that Rod ran for us on his computer:

During the last year on average 4560 people looked at the web site per month and they looked at two pages each. We have 23 093 hits per month on average - that does not mean that they stay to look.

If you look at the individual months, you will see that the most amount of people looked at the web site ie 5746 in the month of February 2010 and the least amount of people looked at the web site in September 2009 - only 3897.


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