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Newsletter June 2016

Dear ALL


P.O.Box 749 Fibreworks account details
KLOOF Name of a/c: Fibreworks
3610 Name of bank: ABSA
KwaZulu-Natal Hillcrest Branch 63200500
October 2015 Account no: 9104464545

Dates to diarize:

" 30 August at 6 pm - GFI Gallery Opening of Fibreworks IX in Port Elizabeth. More on this later
" 31 August - 17 September - Fibreworks IX, National members' exhibition
" 6 October - 15 December - Second leg of Fibreworks IX, plus Major Minors exhibition at Mogalakwena Gallery, 3 Church Street, Cape Town. More on this later.

Our last meeting was held at Helga's on Friday 12 August 2016.
Members present: Sarojani Naidoo, Helga Beaumont, Odette Tolksdorf, Jutta Faulds, Annette McMaster, Sue Physick, Jeanette Gilks, Leonie Malherbe, and Sue Akerman.
Our AGM meeting for the year will be held on 28 October, 9 for 9.30 am.

Upcoming Exhibitions:

" .Fibreworks IX - Port Elizabeth. First leg of the exhibition

Marilyn Pretorius is the opening speaker and she is discussing the history of Fibreworks.

Fibre Works 10

Fibreworks IX. Marilyn Pretorius has kindly organized a wonderful gallery called the GFI and the Opening will be on Tuesday the 30th of August at 6pm. The work will be showcased until 18 September. Check out the gallery at It looks beautiful.

Old and new work is being showcased. Much discussion at the Fibreworks meeting regarding this - should a national show only show case new work or is old work acceptable.
Integrity of artist is crucial plus the curator's choice of what should be exhibited
Jutta worried about complacency of artist
All work acceptable
New current work preferable
Experimental work ?
No constitution problem

Major Minors works welcome - send to Marilyn by 20 August, or to Sheila for the CT leg of the exhibiton by 30 September.

The works were sent from Fynarts to PE and Marilyn will send all the works from PE to Ct - all costs for Fibreworks account.

Many thanks to Trish (!) for designing our Fibreworks invitation.

" Fibreworks IX - Cape Town. Second leg of the exhibition

Mogalakwena Gallery, 3 Church Street, Cape Town

Please note important details below for your information:
The Fibreworks group will exhibit Major Minors VI and Fibreworks IX at the Mogalakwena Gallery.
" The opening will be on the First Thursday Cape Town i.e. 6 October 2016. (see: )
" The exhibition will close on 15 December 2016.
" Mogalakwena will design an email invitation (they will need some good quality photos).
" Mogalakwena will set up / hang the exhibition (they have very good experienced staff who do this together with Elbe). Elbe would like ONE Fibreworks person to be present at the set-up/hanging to confer/discuss and Sheila Walwyn, a Cape Town member of Fibreworks, is happy and keen to help Elbe hang the show at the gallery. Many thanks, Sheila for offering to help.
" There will be no exhibition/hanging fee, instead Mogalakwena takes a commission on sales. Commission ranges between 25% - 40%, depending on the work. Remember commission is calculated on the Selling Price of the work, so price your work accordingly.

Fibreworks will liaise with the gallery regarding the return of the work after the show in mid December. We will keep you updated in this regard.

I hope everything is clear. I know things can look complicated when there are numerous exhibitions on the go!

" Major Minors VI

As read earlier, the Mogalakwena gallery in Cape Town is happy to exhibit Major Minors, together with the members' Fibreworks IX. It seems then, that Fibreworks will have quite a showing in Cape Town at the end of the year!

Since we now have a venue confirmed in Cape Town, we have decided to scrap the idea of exhibiting Major Minors at the Tatham Art gallery - for this year at any rate.

This is just a reminder that 'old' Major Minors are always welcome. A new venue coupled with a changed configuration completely transforms an exhibition of work. Artworks speak to one another and to the walls of the gallery and when their wall-mates change so do their 'conversations'. Meaning arises not only from the individual works themselves but from the spaces between them. The next time I am asked to do a walkabout of a show, I am going to consider talking about how the works relate to each other. The context of an artwork acts upon it and meaning shifts as a consequence. (In the light of this philosophic observation, should I decide to do a spontaneous walkabout of our Fibreworks show in Hermanus, I will bear this in mind!)

Ubuntutu exhibition:
Hello all,

At this point, the opening of the exhibition has been put back to the original date, which is Monday, 3rd October at the Nelson Mandela Gateway Centre/Robben Island Museum at the Clock Tower precinct at the Waterfront in Cape Town. [NOTE that this is a change from September 30th - date that was previously discussed]

The Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture by Hina Jilani is on Friday, October 7. It will be held on the campus of the University of the Western Cape. We know that it will be in the late afternoon and that there will be a reception before and after and all of the quilt artists will be invited, but we still don't know the exact times.

The Desmond Tutu International peace Lecture was conceived as an annual opportunity to take stock of issues critical to the sustainability of our species and our planet. It is an opportunity to assess our adherence to the values of respect, compassion, fairness, Ubuntu and the celebration of diversity. It is intended to stimulate engagement and translate into action the vision and values of Archbishop and Mrs Tutu.

The 2016 lecture will be presented by Hina Jilani, a pioneering lawyer and pro-democracy campaigner, and a leading activist in the Women's Movement in Pakistan.

So there you have it. The Fibreworks exhibition will open on the 6th October at the Mogalakwena and there are many other galleries in Cape Town that I came across in the recent Turbine Hall exhibition, so there is lots to see and inspire one.


Report back:
" Fynarts Festival, Hermanus.
Jeantte to handle this.



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