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Newsletter June 2011

Dear ALL

Here it is - the July newsletter in June - finally I'm early with something!

Dates to Diarize

  • July 1 - 7 2011 - SA National Quilt Festival including 'Kimonos Unlimited'
  • 25 June 2011 KwaZulu Natal Artists: "Izikhwepha Zethu V11 " EXHIBITION 2011 "shaping our minds."
  • August 11- 14 2011 - Festival of Quilts 2011 - Birmingham NEC
  • 28 August - 11 am Opening of Kimono exhibition at Artisan gallery in Durban.
  • The fourth Jo'burg Art Fair will take place from 23 - 25 September 2011
  • 1 October Fibreworks AGM in Durban.
  • 2-7 October 2011 - 11th Southern Hemisphere Felting Convergence 2011 which will be held in Bunbury Western Australia.
  • 6 - 9 October 2011 - Knitting and Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace, London

Next meeting: The AGM on 1 October 2011 at Helga's house 9.30 am. Please make every effort to attend. The Durban members extend an invitation to the other members to come and spend the weekend in Durban, staying with various members. Please contact Helga for arrangements on 084 551 3883/031 764 0854 or e mail.

Minutes of Fibreworks meeting held at Margaret Ruxton's house on Friday 3rd June 2011:

Present: Jeanette Gilks, Leonie Malherbe, Jean Powell, Odette Tolksdorf, Margaret Ruxton, Rosalie Dace, Helga Beaumont, Judy Breytenbach and Dana Biddle.
Apologies: Jutta Faulds, Annette McMaster, Carolyn Zelenka, M. Garratt, Lynette Douglas, Margee Gough, Sue Akerman, Sue Physick, Kim Tedder, Linda Jones.

§   Subs:

Please make sure that subs have been paid. If unsure, check with Margaret Ruxton at

There are subs outstanding from 17 people and someone from Grahamstown has paid anonymously, please let Margaret know who you are. Subs are due in October each year.

§   New Fibreworks Exhibitions

Odette has contacted Ester le Roux, curator at the Oliewenhuis Gallery in Bloemfontein with a view to a "Best of Fibreworks" exhibition in their Reservoir Gallery (this is a working title and is not necessarily the final title - if you have any brilliant ideas for a title let us know). All exhibitions must be approved by their advisory committee whose next meeting is in August 2011. We need to submit a clear proposal of what we want to exhibit with 10 - 15 photos and CV. Fibreworks will put it all together and will get some advice on the proposal before it is sent.

Rosalie Dace has been invited by Donna Lam to co-curate a Southern African Exhibition in New York.

§   Achievements of Members:

Odette Tolksdorf has 15 works on exhibition from May 30 to July 29 at Kent State University in Ohio. See:

Dana Biddle's book "A Knitting Adventure with South African Yarn" has been published and is on the shelves of book and yarn shops.

§   'Kimonos Unlimited'

There are 21 entries from 13 artists for the Kimono Unlimited exhibition in Stellenbosch.

The opening at the Artisan Gallery in Durban will be on Sunday 28 August at 11am.
Artisan Entry Form Deadline: 19 August (for new work)
Artisan Submission Deadline: 23 August (work to be with Helga: 084 551 3883, P.O.Box 749, Kloof, 3640 OR 21a Alexander Ave, Kloof 3610)

The works that come in for the Stellenbosch exhibition, will automatically go on to the Durban exhibition.

Artists will pay for their work to get to the exhibitions, but Fibreworks will pay for the works to move from Stellenbosch to Durban, and will also pay for the art works to be delivered back to the owners, at GPO rates.

Jeanette has provided us with this publicity write up. Please see below, and use it and the photos to advertise the exhibition

Kimonos Unlimited
Artisan Gallery

From 28th August to the end of September the Artisan Gallery in Durban will be showcasing the latest work of the Fibreworks art group (

As 'fibre' can refer to any natural or man-made materials such as cotton, animal hair, paper, nylon and steel wool etc., 'Kimonos Unlimited' will be an exhibition that will challenge your idea of the Japanese Kimono!

Fibreworks encourages its members to investigate both the technical and conceptual aspects of any subject matter, inviting its artists to explore and expand art forms in almost unlimited ways. We therefore invite you to view and comment on our redefinition of this traditional Japanese garment.

Enquiries: Sue Greenburg
Phone: Artisan Gallery 031 312 4364

§   Web Site:

Two members have been approached in the last week to sell some of their works. It ended up being peculiar - ie them paying so called courier costs etc. so Helga is concerned there may be some scamming involved. Please let her know if you have been approached as well, and be very very careful. Do not pay any costs up front!!

She is also busy upgrading the web site, so if you want new images, please send them now. If you are unsure what the format is, check the website:
Title: Description: no more than 100 words. Dimensions:
Materials: Exhibition:

The website has had more than 315 000 hits in the last year., which is 100 000 up from the year before.

For a comprehensive monthly breakdown of viewing statistics, see the graph below

§   New Gallery

A new gallery called "The Collective" and run by ArtSpace has opened above Marco's in Florida Road, Durban.

§   Exhibition

Rosalie told the meeting about Hendrik Stroebel's exhibition at KZNSA and the meeting adjourned early so we could all rush off to see - what a treat!
See below Bren Brophy in conversation with Hendrik Stroebel, May 2011. Bren Brophy is the KZNSA gallery curator here in Durban.

A solo exhibition by Hendrik Stroebel
Seventeen years in the making, the 186 artworks occupied the Main, Mezzanine and Park Contemporary Galleries. This in itself is an outstanding accomplishment for a single artist. It was an exhibition of dazzling proportions. Bronze, carved wood, ceramics and embroidery works depicting the artists love affair with the near and Middle East were on display but it was the embroidery that stole the show. At best this medium is laborious - Hendrik splits a single thread into its 6 individual strands and works with these. The results drew collectors from around the country.

It was during the 1990's that artist Hendrik Stroebel travelled to the near East areas historically known as the Levant (a French word from the middle ages used to geographically describe Asia and specifically the ancient Holy Land). His gathering of evocative images led him to Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Turkey and the Silk Road Cities of Bukhara Khiva and Samarkand in Uzbekistan.

Stroebel's abiding interest is in Antiquity, Pharaonic Egypt, Persia and the Jordanian cities of Jerash and Petra; also Persepolis in Iran (formerly Persia). The Greek and Roman remains in Turkey and the great Timurid monuments in Uzbekistan propelled him to these countries. Subsequently he found other rich sources, remnants and layers of Byzantine, Ottoman, Mamluk and Persia, and the great legacy of embellishment in Islamic art and architecture. It was his keen observation and participation in contemporary life in these Islamic countries that had a profound influence on his creative output.

These 'Biblical' countries have an enduring legacy of ancestral customs that still prevails. They have retained their unique character expressed through ancient crafts such as carpets, metalwork, woodcarving, and mosaics still available for trade in the souks (bazaars) of the Middle East. Stroebel reveres these traditions, which appeal to him both for their complexity and their simplicity. His interactions with these different cultures, and documentation thereof, were later used in the process of art making. Instinctive choices later guided him towards creating a body of work that reflects the artist's particular journey.

Stroebel comments that the creative process originated "from the 'outside in". Architectural elements form the frame for the specific choice of embroideries. It is the colour and design of the frames that enhance and compliment the embroidery work. 'Framing' becomes an integral part of the work contributing to its very essence.

Stroebel believes that memory (of travel) is only enhanced in hindsight when one relives the experience. It is the 'trigger' memories and etched images of relived experiences that enrich this body of work. He uses an interesting and unusual combination of media, ceramics and embroidery. Stroebel believes that it is the direct contact with the embroidery medium and its elements of stab and stitch that permits him to 'mix' his own colours with thread. That creates an astonishing painterly effect. Rather like paint on a string. Embroidery is a tedious process that requires immense concentration, patience and dedication. Clay however, is a more immediate and expressive medium that has an additional element of surprise in the outcome of glazes and the yielding of its colours in the firing process. The delicacy and intimacy of the thread is supported by the solidity of the ceramic and wooden frames. Stroebel's rich and meaningful travels and adventures, to what is now a deeply troubled area of our world, reminds us that memory is the key to that which is so often lost and forgotten.

§   Events.

1. Joburg Art Fair 2011
The fourth Joburg Art Fair will take place from 23 - 25 September 2011.
Loyal followers can look forward to seeing their favorite galleries return to the Fair, along with the best art books and exciting Special Projects.
This year's event takes place on the ground floor, Hall 1, of the Sandton Convention Centre.
Come and experience the largest selection of African contemporary art under one roof.

2. The Knitting and Stitching Show
Will be held at the Alexandra Palace from the 6th to the 9th October 2011

§   Professional publicity / promotions agent
The possibility of employing a professional publicity / promotions agent for Fibreworks was discussed at the last meeting. Does anyone have any suggestions?

§   Interesting websites
Another one for the group so many of us are meaning to draw and this may just get you going - from Lynette Douglas - an online shop. - the Textile and Fibre Art List - lots on here!

§   Quotes

Good artwork is aesthetically pleasing and technically sound - Michael James

Finally, are you interested in participating in 2 additional exhibitions? Here below are the details. Please note that the second exhibition is for KwaZulu Natal artists only.
§   Call for Entries


Dear Artist / Gallery

Thank you for your interest, to be on the portal is a simple thing send 3-10 jpegs of work to: ie. Here with your website /email / cell phone details with these

1. I create a funky slide show profile for you if 3-5 pics are sent and
2. add you as a pic / link to the header page slideshow for two weeks
3. announce your presence to the 13 years of contacts derived from the art diary publication. These include corporates (ppc, absa, sasol etc. ) , artists, galleries and museums via sms , email to a vast far reaching audience and if 5 or more pics are sent
4. give you a virtual exhibition as artist of the week via a high quality full screen video show, web wide and deeply impressive as the portal grows so will the mailing list and voila weekly updates keep everyone informed this is definitely not a site that sits waiting for visitors, it makes itself known, is visually active and very, very visible it is active fun and dynamic for the next few months it's all free , as I am keen for content and not too profit driven, traffic rather than static or inertia no strings & no catches the site is easy to maintain and links to the yearly Art Diary Publication, out in November it's all click and fly, no text, & no sales pitch a jumping lively thing that works for everybody and is both broadly informative (exhibitions, festivals, film & dance), as well as a direct link to individuals.

best wishes, jaro kalac, arts diary, 082 7302897

§   "Izikhwepha Zethu V11 " EXHIBITION 2011
"shaping our minds"

An invitation to female and male artists from KwaZulu-Natal to participate to the Izikhwepha Zethu travelling exhibition. The theme for this year is "Shaping our minds". The aim of the exhibition is to celebrate women's month and share our social challenges. We hope this year's exhibition will change our attitude and perception towards social issues such as gender, abuse against women and children, human trafficking, discrimination, drug abuse, xenophobia, culture etc. that affects us all as humans.

The subject matter must include your views base on your experience, and what you observe in your surroundings as your inspiration to your artworks. You can use your visual elements, exploring variety of media, using your free thinking and creativity to respond to the social issues that seek to destroy our communities.
Please fill in this form and send it back with your artworks. Make sure that the entry form is attached to your artworks.

Your particulars:
Name&Surname:………………………………………………………….. Organisation/Individual………………………………………………….
Postal / Street Address…………………………………………………….

Artist's statement:
Description of your artwork: ......................................................................
When it was produced/completed:………………………………………..

Dimensions (in centimeters) ………………………………………………..

Insurance Value/Sales Price………………………………………………
Is the artwork for sale: Yes / No (Tick appropriate answer)

For entry rules/ guidelines see the next page.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Fill in the information in all the lines provided.
2. Entry is open only to selected artists.
3. You can enter up to two pieces of artworks.
4. Series of pieces will be acceptable.
5. Two or three dimensional works are accepted.
6. Make sure that your artwork is titled.
7. Specify medium of your work (sculpture, print, painting, textile photograph, ceramic etc) and write a clear description (what is all about). If your description is more than a space given, you can use the back of the page.
8. Artworks that have been exhibited before will not be acceptable unless the artwork was exhibited outside South Africa.
9. Submit above with your artworks at the Durban Art Gallery in the address below. Make sure that you fill the submission form and keep the copy of your receipt.
10. Closing date for submission is the 25 June 2011.
11. NB. Please attach your one page resume / biography.
12. Submitted artworks will be selected by a committee to decide on works to be exhibited.
13. Please sign on both pages.

NOTE: The exhibition will be displayed at the Durban Art Gallery South Africa from the 7 August - 15 September 2011.
I hereby acknowledge and understand the conditions of entry and I agree to abide by them.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signed Date………………………….

For more queries about the exhibition:
Tel: 0768902391 / 031 3112268 (Phumzile Dlamini-DAG Curator)
Artworks should be sent to this address:
Durban Art Gallery
2ND Floor, City Hall,
Smith Street (Anton Lembede), Durban

That's all for now! If you have any news for our next newsletter, please send it to We would love to hear from you!

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