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Newsletter March 2022

Dear All,

  • 30 March closing of entry forms for Colour the Karoo -, Exhibition at Nieu Bethesda - more information below.
  • 16 and 17 April 2022: Colour the Karoo
  • 10th - 19th June 2022: Fynarts Festival, Hermanus.
  • 1 June - Entry deadline the Fibreworks Members' Online Exhibition
  • 1 July 2022 - Opening of Fibreworks Members' Online Exhibition.
  • Read below for details
Next Fibreworks meeting:

5 March 9.30am Tea at Helga's house to discuss the Fibreworks Members' Online Exhibition.
12.00 Sue Akerman is speaker at the KZNQG meeting at St Dominic's Catholic Church in Hillcrest. She will be speaking about Jutta Faulds' work and there will also be an exhibition of Jutta's work.

Fibreworks Biennial Members' Online Exhibition 2022 The following was discussed by Rosalie Dace, Odette Tolksdorf, Jeanette Gilks and Helga Beaumont at a meeting at Helga's house on Tuesday 18 January.
  • The Theme for our 2022 Biennial Members' Online Exhibition is "Passage". There are many different meanings to this word and it is wide open to interpret this theme however you wish to do.
  • We will send out an entry form with all the required information for this show.
  • You are allowed a maximum of 3 entries, and there is no entry fee.
  • Closing date to receive images and all information: 1 June 2022
Aim of this show:

Fibreworks aims to promote fiber / textile as a serious art form and to promote the artists works to galleries and to any audience in South Africa and across the world.

How do we propose to achieve this? With a virtual show of artworks on our website and with short videos /demonstrations and pre-recorded panel discussions on Facebook and Instagram.

Linking members' web sites is also an important facet of this virtual show so artists can promote a workshop or two during this time.

The Zoom panel discussions will cover a range of aspects of fibre arts from the serious to the humorous. We need your enthusiasm and input to make this successful and hope you will put your hand up to host a particular discussion.

In order to participate in this our twelfth members' exhibition you need to create between 1 to 3 artworks and send the following information to us by 1 June :

A. Photography of work: As this is an online exhibition it is very important to have excellent quality images.

Requirements for images:
  • Two professional photographs of your work: one of the whole work, plus a detail shot. The background must be plain with no distractions in the background
  • A photograph of yourself - portrait style like on the Fibreworks web site
  • Images must be sent correctly sized as below:
    Height : 500 pixels and the Width can be anything UP TO 500 pixels.
  • Images must be labelled in the following format for identification:
    Surname, Initial of first name - title, then jpg.
    Use Arial font, size 14; ie. BeaumontH - Windmill.jpg
    Please don't send unlabelled images
  • Typed Information about each entry must be filled out on the Entry Form - Your name, title, dimensions, Techniques and Methods and price. We will send it out shortly.
B. Discussion Topics

We chose various quotes/topics and you have time to mull over them. They can have both serious and humorous aspects. You can choose to participate in one or all of the discussions, but please contact us beforehand so we know who wants to take part:

1) Daily challenges and frustrations of being a fibre artist.

2)'There's no win and no fail. There's only make." ? Corita Kent.

3)Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
Leonard Cohen

4)Rosalie has offered to host the first Zoom panel meeting on Thursday 24 March at 18.00 and her topic is:
'The act of sewing is a process of emotional repair'
by Louise Bourgeois

What is your story? Contact Rosalie to participate in this discussion. Her email is

We invite you to unpick/discuss any of these topics/quotes, get lyrical and share how you respond to them.

C. Video Clips
We also would like to post short 1 - 2 minute video clips on how to make or do something like we did for the Tatham i.e. techniques.
Various formats are possible:
eg. If there is a South African artist you admire, interview them and post this as your contribution.

We want to make this virtual show as varied and impressive as possible but we need your help!
Let your creativity flow - we look forward to seeing what you send!
  • Fynarts Hermanus
    Dal Botha has contacted various artists to participate in this event. Bookings are open for various shows as well so check it out on line
  • Nieu Bethesda Exhibition
    Below is the invitation from Antoinette Kriel. I have entry forms or you can get them from Antoinette.
Calling on all fibre- and quilt artists!

Cloudy Sewing Pumpkins

During Easter every year Nieu Bethesda hosts a Pumpkin Festival, called Pumpalooza. Sewing @ the C would once again like to present a Fibre Art Exhibition during that time.
Date: Saturday, 16 and Sunday, 17 April 2022.
Theme: Colour the Karoo

Criteria: Entries to be made primarily of fibre/cloth. Any technique or combination of techniques can be used and any other materials/media can be included. Some quilting/stitching through layers must be included. The entry must be your own design. Note: Although the emphasis is on fibre art quilts, entrants have the option to box, frame, mount or put the piece on a canvas.

Size: Min. A4 (21cm x 29½cm); Max. A3 (42cm x 29½cm)
Entry Fee: R30 per entry
Deadline for entry forms: 30 March 2022
Deadline for deliveries: 8 April 2022

Please note: All entries must be available for sale
Delivery address: 27 Lovemore Crescent, St Francis Bay (Aramex) OR
Postnet St Francis Bay
Contact: Antoinette Kriel - 083 556 3043;

Odette and Helga
For Jeanette

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