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Newsletter March 2012

Dear ALL,


  • 24th March 2012 - Wakkerstroom Natural Fibre Fair
  • 18th April 2012 - closing date for Fibreworks VII Entry Form
  • 1st May 2012 - closing date for IQCA Challenge
  • 8th May 2012 - Fibreworks VII artworks to Jenny Hearn
  • 16th May 2012 - Fibreworks VII exhibition opening
  • 21st May 2012 - closing date for World Quilt Competition Entry Form
  • 31st May - web submission updates to Helga
  • 31st May - MACS Quilt Challenge deadline
  • 29th June to 2nd July - Quilt Indaba in Hillcrest Durban -
  • 10 - 14th July 2012 - Quilts in Clarens
  • 27 - 29th July - International Quilt Convention Africa -

The next Fibreworks meeting will be held on 17 May at the University of Johannesburg at 10 am.
It will be followed by a walkabout. The TAGG members have been invited to attend thi and members of the public are also welcome.

Held at MACS in Pietermaritzburg on Friday 2 March 2102
Present: Sue Akerman, Helga Beaumont, Margaret Ruxton, Jeanette Gilks, Odette Tolksdorf, Carolyn Zelenka, Jutta Faulds, Annette McMaster, Sue Physick, Jean Powell, Leonie Malherbe.

Apologies: Rosalie Dace, Margie Garratt, Dana Biddle.

Jeanette Gilks chaired the meeting. She welcomed everyone and thanked Jutta and MACS for hosting the meeting.


Major Minors IV

We received 55 little art works and they are awesome. Well done.

There was a lengthy discussion about the catalogues and Jeanette has documented the outcome, please see below.

Fibreworks VII

Jenny Hearn is very keen for photographs of work for publicity, and for members to contact her a.s.a.p. re their work, to give their personal definition of fibre art also for publicity purposes. It is a very big gallery and she wants work to fill it. We need at least 40 pieces. Below is a picture of the gallery space at FADA.

FADA Gallery

Closing date for entries: 18 April
Closing date for work to arrive: 8 May at Jenny's house.

Leonie came up with the following titles for the exhibition - 'Imagineered, Layered Lives, Contexturized, Ebb & Flow, Rhythm of Life, The tree is known by its fruit.'

The title of the exhibition will be "Contexturised - content, text and texture".

The Major Minors IV art works were laid out and members did a walkabout on their works. Denise was there to photograph the work for the Fibreworks catalogue.
The meeting ended and we then enjoyed lunch together catered by MACS.


Fibreworks Major Minors IV: Update from Jeanette

After exploring various paper types and binding options earlier this year, we have decided to have a catalogue that looks and feels very similar to the Major Minor I and II catalogues. They will form a good set! We did have a close look at a spiral binding on Jutta Fauld's suggestion, but this option proved too expensive, bearing in mind that spiral binding needs paper that is considerably heavier.
At our meeting on Friday 2 March 2012 we decided that the membership should know the costs involved in the printing of Major Minors IV. Here below are the figures thus far:

*If you recall, we had One Liners in both MM I & MMII catalogues which brought in a revenue of R3,000 in total. Any friend or colleague could sponsor your page. Any takers for Major Minors IV?

Considering the pretty hefty costs involved, and the fact that we want to make the catalogue pay its way, and not use the Fibreworks money which we need for exhibition costs, we thought it fair to suggest that all participating artists are required to sell at least 4 catalogues, at R50 each. Initially then, we will supply each member with 5 catalogues; one that will be yours to keep, the other 4 which you must sell. As a group, as a team, we all need to share the responsibilities and consequences of decisions jointly made, and I have no doubt that everyone will be supportive of this idea. The R200 that we will receive from each of you initially, as participants, will go some distance in replenishing our somewhat empty coffers!

For your interest, we sold 700 Major Minor I catalogues, but only 436 Major Minor II catalogues. We really must make a concerted effort to sell MM IV. We can do it.

Members who have not taken part in the catalogue this time but who are keen to sell them, will be duly supplied with the requisite stash they feel they can easily dispose of!

Thanks to all of you who help to spread the Fibreworks word.

Best always


  • Dana Biddle

Dana has been asked to write a couple of articles for HAND/EYE's 09/South Africa issue.
HAND/EYE is an American magazine that concentrates on global art, craft and design. Visit their website They are a non-profit organization who strive to connect cultures and unite the world with creativity, inspiration and respect through their magazine and online news letters. They fund each issue through subscriptions and donations

  • Jenny Hearn
Jenny is one of 38 artists who have been invited to exhibit in the SAQA exhibition, Seasonal Palette. She has also been invited to exhibit at the Braithwaite Fine Art Gallery in Utah, in the "Everything in Between: art quilts, fabric collage and embroidery". She emphasizes that this is one of the benefits of joining SAQA - to get your work seen in other countries.


from Colleen Roberts via Helga

Quilt Indaba
This biennual quilting retreat is taking a new format this year. In the past it was often held at a 'Berg resort where we had to pay for accommodation. However, this year we are holding it locally in conjunction with the KZNQG exhibition RRR at Highbury School in Hillcrest from the 29th June to the 2nd July. We will be advertising the courses at our meeting. ALL bookings will be made on line and if you cannot wait until next month's meeting then here is the website which is full of useful information. It might be preferable not to go through Google. Please take note of the corrected bank account number.

Quilt Indaba Calender 2012


None were submitted for this newsletter, please let me have some for our next one.


  • IQCA Quilt Challenge - for Submission rules and guidelines, please visit
  • World Quilt Competition - see attached brochure
  • 2012 MACS Quilt Challenge - see attached brochure



    That's all for now! If you have any news for our next newsletter, please send it to we would love to hear from you!
    Love Dana

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