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Newsletter March 2010

Dear ALL

Happy New Year to all Fibreworks members

Dates to diarise:

  • 1 - 5 March Deadline for submitting work for KZN Region for the ABSA L'Atelier Art Award. Details below.
  • 12 March - Final deadline for Jabulisa (KZN artists only). Details below.
  • 30 March - Deadline for those participating in Jeanette's altered book
  • 30 March- Addresses and images for invitations to Helga. See details below
  • 15 May- Deadline for Website submission details to Helga.
  • 11 June - Entry forms for national exhibition to Helga. See details below
  • 14 June - Descriptions of work and CV's from artists to be sent to Margie Garratt for exhibition purposes. See below for details.
  • 30 June - Art work to be with Sheila Walwyn in Cape Town.
  • 14 July - 4 August 2010 Fibreworks VI National members' exhibition at artb Belville, Cape. Details below
  • 10 September - Deadline for arrival of entry materials at DBAC for Quilt National '11. Details below
  • 1 November 2010 - Applications for 10th Annual Art Inter/National Details below

Next meeting: Friday 18th June 2010 Odette's house at 9.30 for 10.


Hopefully everyone is fired up and ready for 2010. While many people see the World Cup soccer as their prime focus, for us 2010 means it is National Exhibition time again. The KZN Fibreworks contingent held their first meeting of the year on Friday, 28 February. The meeting was attended by Helga Beaumont, Judy Breytenbach, Rosalie Dace, Lynette Douglas, Jutta Faulds, Jeanette Gilks, Leonie Malherbe, Sue Physick, Jean Powell, Margaret Ruxton, Odette Tolksdorf and Carolyn Zelenka with apologies from Corinne Lemmer and Annette McMaster. After much discussion, and with input from members in Cape Town, the following decisions were made.


Dates: July 14 - August 4 2010

    Participating artists:
  • Fibreworks paid -up members
  • Joy Savage (ceramicist)
  • Ingrid de Haast (glass artist)
  • Norma Ordman an Invited Artist, (continuing the Fibreworks tradition of inviting a Guest Artist)

  • Venue: ArtB at Bellville Centre, Cape Town

    Coordinators: Sheila Walwyn and Margie Garratt

    Dates/ Deadlines There are numerous details, so please read carefully for further information.

  • March 30 Submit to Helga ( Names and addresses of people to be invited to opening and exhibition
  • Images of your work to be considered for use on the invitation
    Full and/or detail images can be sent. Please note that they must be good clear JPG images (300dpi).
    Odette and Helga will design invitations both as a hard copy printable version and an email version.

  • June 11 Entry Forms emailed to Helga

  • Work submitted should have been made within the last two years and may not have been exhibited at a previous National Fibreworks exhibition.

    Major Minors: Mark In Time works that Rosalie exhibited in the US will form part of the exhibition. If your work was sold, or you want to do another one, you may do so. These small works should have no side longer than 25cm.
    Must have a sleeve on the back for hanging purposes.

    There is no stipulated size for other works.

    No Entry Fee, but subs to Fibreworks must be fully paid up to date. If that is not yet done, check the account number at the top of this Newsletter and put your R150 into the bank account with your name clearly printed for easy reference.

    Use a separate Entry Form for each work submitted

    It is suggested that you make 3 copies of the Entry Form for each work. One copy goes to Helga for each work, one goes with each work you send to Cape Town, and one is for your own records.

    snail mail: 21a Alexander Ave, Kloof 3610

  • 14 June Send to Margie/Nicky at

  • 1. Artists' descriptions of the work you will be exhibiting to be emailed to Nicky, (Margie Garratt's PA ) She will format the information and print labels so that they are the same size and look professional. These labels will appear next to your work on the exhibition.

    2.Your C.V / Resumé for the Visitor's Book at Exhibition entrance.

    3 Your Artist's Statement / general approach to your work / philosophy for the Visitor's Book at Exhibition entrance. This is a good way of promoting Fibreworks and the medium generally, as well as artists' own work.

    If you want to hand write, or send by snail mail, please use A4 format and mail to Nicky Lloyd, Nova Constantia, Nova Constantia Rd, Constantia 7806

  • June 30: Work to be received in Cape Town by Sheila Walwyn
  • Address: 3 Marne Ave, Claremont 7708
    Phone # 021 6835497 (landline) 082 887 8266 (cell phone)

    Please inform Sheila when to expect your work and how it will be arriving; include her phone number on the delivery slip.

    Artists must pay for their work to be shipped to Cape Town, but Fibreworks will pay to send it back to you if you use a tracking number and the post office. If you want it couriered back to you, you must make arrangements with Sheila for the return of your work.

    It is suggested that people bulk mail work together to save costs.

  • Please note that laths, hanging mechanisms or other display devices should be included with your work. This eases the load considerably on our volunteer hanging team who then do not have to spend time money and effort cutting laths etc to hang your work. Please note that there is no guarantee that your work will be hung if you do not send the necessary lath or whatever the work requires to be displayed.

  • July 12 Exhibition hanging

  • July 14 1800 Opening of Exhibition
  • Guest Speaker: Jo-Anne Duggan

  • August 4 Closing of exhibition

  • August 5 Knockdown
    Fibreworks will pay to send your work back to you by Post Office with a tracking number; as per instruction on the Entry Form. If you wish to use a courier, you must liaise with Sheila and you bear the cost.

    By September 5 Payment to artists
    Fibreworks is negotiating a contract whereby payment will be made to Fibreworks by the Gallery within one month of the closing of the exhibition. Fibreworks will then pay the artists.

  • Insurance and Security:

  • Before the exhibition your work will be in the care of Sheila Walwyn and stored at Nova Constantia, home and studio of Margie Garratt. While they have undertaken to provide every care during storage, transportation and hanging, they cannot be held liable for damage or loss.

    Maxie Oosthuizen, Curator of the Gallery, states that the security for the Library building, and the alarm system have been "very sufficient". Over the past nine years they have only suffered the theft of one DVD (not secured properly by a student during a demonstration).
    They do not accept any responsibility for damage or loss of work. However they undertake to have the gallery floors etc clean and swept before delivery of work.

    Work will be handled only by the Hanging Team of Sheila Walwyn, Margie Garratt, Liebet Shrand, Maxie Oosthuizen and one helper from the Gallery.

    Following normal practice, Fibreworks advises that artists make their own insurance arrangements for their work during transportation and exhibition.

  • Exhibition Opening Guest Speaker Jo-Anne Duggan

  • Jo-Anne Duggan is a UCT graduate with degrees in art and education. She has worked as an art educator in schools, community organizations and at the South African National Gallery and has been involved in training art educators. She has for many years been involved in the broader field of heritage development: working with public institutions and private sector initiatives, museums, urban and rural communities to research and present various aspects of history and heritage through exhibitions, publications and programmes of various sorts. Recognizing that the challenges facing arts, culture and heritage need to be tackled on all fronts, Jo-Anne has also been engaged in reviewing and redrafting national heritage policy and legislation. Jo-Anne is currently Director of the Archival Platform, a UCT Mandela Foundation Project.


    This is a wonderful platform for South African artists to show their work. We look forward to having an exciting exhibition of new work. Should you have any queries, contacts are as follows:
    Rosalie Dace Tel: 031 201 0819 / 082 7890978
    Odette Tolksdorf Tel 031 266 2978
    Helga Beaumont: Tel: 031 764 0854
    Sheila Walwyn: Tel: 021 683 5497

  • Website:

    Members are invited to update their web sites and new members are invited to submit their work for addition to the web site by 15 May 2010. Clear images, at least 300 dpi, clearly labeled and concise information regarding each art work is required.
    Remember Title, Description (no more than 50 words), Dimensions, Materials used and Where exhibited. Contact Helga if you need more information.

    Although no art works have been sold off the website yet, quite a few people have been contacted via it. Roy Starke, Jenny Hearn, Jutta Faulds, Jeanette Gilks and Leonie Malherbe just to name a few. During the last year we had 249 824 hits - a steady climb when you see the graph from 2007 when we started. In February 2010 we had 32 375 hits alone, up from January where we had 25 231. Quite a thought!

  • Achievements of members:

  • Jenny Hearn and Odette Tolksdorf:

  • Odette Tolksdorf and Jenny Hearn both have work featured in a new publication from Lark Books called: 500 Art Quilts: An Inspiring Collection of Contemporary Work.

  • Odette Tolksdorf

  • Odette Tolksdorf's work called BREATH, has been selected by the jurors to be included in the FANTASTIC FIBERS exhibition at the Yeiser Art Center in Paducah, Kentucky, USA.
    The organizers wrote that entry response to Fantastic Fibers had been fantastic! They received close to 600 entries from 137 fiber artists from South Africa, Peru, Germany, Belgium, England, Canada, and from 38 USA states including the District of Columbia. The jurors finally chose 56 works from 45 fiber artists.
    The exhibition opens April 3 and closes May 2, 2010. See:

  • Karen Wentworth

  • Karen entered the Sanlam Vuleka Art Competition in Aug/Sept 2009. 57 works were selected for exhibition from 397 submitted; and two of them were hers. The exhibition ran during September 2009 in the artB gallery in Belville.

  • Exhibitions to Participate in

  • KZN ABSA L'Atelier Art Award:
    artSPACE durban is again the collection point for the KZN Region for the ABSA L'Atelier Art Award.
    The collection dates are 1 - 5 March 2010 during gallery hours. Application forms at the gallery.

    JABULISA 2010: The art and craft of KwaZulu Natal

    The Jabulisa selectors have decided to extend the submission deadline for Jabulisa 2010 in the Durban area. Artists from Durban as well as other areas have been given another chance to submit works on Friday 12 March between 10h00 and 16h00. The venue is the Durban Art Gallery Conservation Centre at 102-120 Florence Nzama Road, Durban.

    At the end of this newsletter there is the entry form and more information. For further information you may contact Kobie Venter at, or tel 033 3922819

    10th Art Inter/National 2011

    Closing date: 1 November 2010
    Exhibition Dates: January 4 - January 29, 2011
    Location: Box Heart Gallery
    Type: Juried Theme Exhibition
    Description: The 10th Annual Art Inter/National, Here and Abroad... 2011

    Art Inter/National is a celebration of artistic expression from all over the world. It's an exhibition that displays how the space one occupies both influences and guides the creative process. Box Heart encourages diversity in the media used to create the work, in the artists and his/her interpretation of Art Inter/National. There are no limits or boundaries, no categories or types. Box Heart is looking for expressions in art that are not only cultivated, but also created because of each artist's place on this earth.

    One artist will receive the Best of Show Award. This artist is awarded Box Heart "Artist of the Year" and receives their own Solo Exhibition in the 2012 Exhibition Year. This includes Gallery Representation with Box Heart Gallery.

    Find the prospectus at

    Quilt National '11

    The seventeenth in the series of international juried competitions dedicated to promoting the contemporary quilt by serving as a showcase for NEW work (completed after September 1, 2008) that provides the viewer with an appreciation of the variety of techniques and innovative trends in the medium of layered and stitched fabric. The jurors will select works that represent unique approaches to the medium and demonstrate the breadth and diversity of contemporary expressions. Visitors to Quilt National '11 will see that the time-honoured traditions are thriving and are being expressed in new forms as today's artists rise to meet the challenges of new techniques and materials.
    For more info and entry forms visit

  • Exhibition to see:

  • Transgressions and boundaries of the page -project

    Exhibition: (1-6 March) in Stellenbosch (JS Gericke Library in the Africana room).

    Paul Schutte has invited artists to visit this upcoming exhibition in Stellenbosch.The "BOOKS" will also be on exhibition later this year in Johannesburg at UJ (University of Johannesburg. Paul will advise of the dates and the website where there will soon (I believe within a month) be a full digital catalogue with all the works on the web. This project involves artists from all spheres and different media.
    Read about it on the following website.

  • Interesting websites

  • TAFA: The Textile And Fiber Art List. (sent to us by Rachel Biel)
    The list is set-up on a blog format and may eventually move to a different platform, but for now it seems like this is working well. The concept is to bring the world of contemporary and cultural textiles and fiber art together under one umbrella (there is a certain aesthetic that I am sticking to like quality, presentation and community impact) in order to both network with each other and to access larger markets for all of us. I envision this list to include a wide spectrum of mediums and to have an international representation of both new and old traditions. It will be interesting to see how it develops, but already I am thrilled as it is only two weeks old and some wonderful people have come on board.

    TAFA is funded by its membership fee of $25. There are no renewal fees. This can be seen as an inexpensive advertising opportunity, although there is a community aspect to it which I hope will be vibrant and fun for the members. Participation is completely voluntary. We have a closed group on facebook where members can share their work and network with each other. If you like the concept, you can go ahead and process the Pay Pal payment using the button on the membership fee. When that comes through, you will receive a list of what I need to set up your member profile on the TAFA list. I hope you do join! I think this is going to be wonderful for all of us!

    Also look at

    An Italian Fibre Artist

    Contemporary Quilt and Fibre Artists
    Look at this website of a group of artists...... Contemporary Quilt and Fibre Artists....based in San Francisco :

    Valerie Hearder
    "Horizon" my e-newsletter about landscapes, quilts and design inspiration, has been updated.

    A fabric search for Jo Diggs, a visit with Jinny Avery, African Fabrics, The Creativity Portal, landscape artists, Art and Inspiration links, books and some great children's quilt books and more! Also, updates to my new no-line store which now features Janet Rice Bredin's new line of patterns
    and a supply of Misty-Fuse.
    Please click on to visit my e-newsletter.

    And feel free to forward this newsletter link on to others, and, if you wish to unsubscribe, simply press reply to this email and write, "unsubscribe" in the body of the message.

    My best to you in creative quilting,
    p.s. My newsletter mailing list is never shared with anyone and it's free to subscribe, just drop me an email asking to be added to the list.

    Do you want to sell your work?
    Look at and
    That's all for now! If you have any news for our next newsletter in May please send it to Dana at
Rosalie Dace Chairman
Dana Biddle (editor)


NO LATE ENTRIES. Please submit a SEPARATE entry form for EACH work Fax 031 764 3944 or e-mail:

Name: __________________________________________________________
Postal Address: ________________________________________________________________

Tel (h)_________________________ Tel (w) ___________________________

Cell: __________________________ e-mail: __________________________

Title of work: ______________________________________________________

Size: 2D: Height ____________ Width ________________________________

3D: Height ____________ Width ______________ Depth____________

Medium/Techniques: _______________________________________________

Artists Asking Price: R_____________
(This is the insurance value if the work is NFS)
Commission will be added.

Is work for sale: Yes __________ No __________

Conditions of entry:

Work submitted to the exhibition should have been made within the last two years and may not have been exhibited at a previous National Fibreworks exhibition.

Laths, hanging mechanisms or other display devices should be included with your work.

Whilst every care will be taken with the handling of the art works, Fibreworks cannot be held responsible should works be lost or damaged in any way. We suggest that you insure your artworks for delivery and duration of the exhibition.

Work sent back:
Post office ________________ Courier ____________________(own cost)

Fibreworks will handle enquires regarding sales of work and will liaise directly with the gallery.

Your work may be used on the Fibreworks web site to advertise our group.

I agree and understand the above exhibition rules:

Signature: ____________________________ Date ________________



    If you have NOT already submitted works for Jabulisa 2010:

    1 You may enter a maximum of three (3) works.
    2 Please make sure you have a completed entry form for each work.
    3 Please have a brief CV to submit (use the attached form if you need to).
    4 You will have to pay a R50 submission fee (i.e. per artist, not per work).
    5 There will be NO feedback session after the selection on Wednesday 17 March.
    6 You will be contacted after the selection on Wednesday 17 March.
    7 You MUST collect unselected work on Friday 19 March between 10hh0 and 16h00.

    If you HAVE already submitted works for Jabulisa 2010 at ANY selection point:

    1 You may submit three (3) different works if none of your works were selected.
    2 You may submit two (2) different works if one (1) of your works was selected.
    3 You may submit one (1) different work if two (2) of your works were selected,
    5 You do NOT have to pay the R50 submission fee again.
    6 There will be no feedback session after the selection on Wednesday 17 March.
    7 You will be contacted after the selection on Wednesday 17 March.
    8 You MUST collect unselected work on Friday 19 March between 10hh0 and 16h00.

    N.B. An entry form must be completed and handed in with each work. A CV must be submitted. This information will help us compile catalogue information. Deliver works to the Durban Art Gallery Technical Centre on Friday 12 March 2010, 10h00-16h00 (direction details overleaf) PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS


    PLACE OF BIRTH:_______________ ID NUMBER:_________________________











    I hereby acknowledge that I have understood the conditions of entry and agree to abide by them.




    I hereby acknowledge that I have received the work in good condition.


    JABULISA 2010

    First Name
    ID Number
    Place of Birth
    Current Occupation
    Formal Training

    Informal Training

    Recent Highlights of your Career


    Jabulisa 2010 will open at the Tatham Art Gallery, Pietermaritzburg, on 08 June 2010 before touring KwaZulu-Natal and the rest of the country. Jabulisa 2010 is a celebration of contemporary visual creativity by artists and crafters resident in KwaZulu-Natal. The exhibition, organised by the Natal Arts Trust, aims to reflect a broad spectrum of creativity. Works in all styles and media are therefore welcomed for consideration. Artists and crafters are invited to submit works for possible selection in terms of the conditions of entry below.


    1. Entry is open to all artists and crafters resident and working in KwaZulu-Natal.
    2. An entry fee of R50,00 per artist is payable upon submission. Reduction or waiver of this fee will be considered on application. Cheques are to be made payable to the Natal Arts Trust. If you make direct deposits or internet transfers, copies of deposit slips and proof of payment are to accompany submissions (bank details below).
    3. A maximum of three works per artist may be submitted. Only works completed after 1 January 2007 will be considered.
    4. Only original works may be submitted. Slides or photographs of works will not be accepted for consideration. Entry is conditional on work being available for display until at least August 2012.
    5. While all media will be considered, the fact that Jabulisa 2010 is a touring exhibition should be borne in mind with regard to weight, size, fragility and complexity of entries. For these reasons the selection panel reserves the right to reject or limit display of any work, including multi-media presentations. Where applicable detailed instructions on assembling and dismantling works must accompany each entry.
    6. Works may be rejected if they are not adequately prepared for exhibition purposes. Paintings and other two dimensional works must be suitably mounted and framed (works on paper behind glass or perspex).
    7. All work submitted must be clearly and securely marked in an unobtrusive position on the work with the artist's name, phone number, title of work, and medium.
    8. Works must be submitted to one of the selection points listed overleaf.
    9. A CV must accompany your entry.


    1. Selection of works for Jabulisa 2010 will take place in six regions: Durban, Empangeni, eShowe, Margate, Pietermaritzburg and Newcastle Core selectors appointed by the Natal Arts Trust will be joined in each region by two regional representatives.
    2. A feedback session will take place after selection in each region.
    3. The panel's decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
    4. The core selection panel reserves the right to supplement selected works from public and private collections and artists studios if necessary.


    1. Works not selected for the Jabulisa Exhibition must be removed from the regional galleries on the dates determined by the regional curator (see overleaf).
    2. When works are collected from regional galleries by persons other than the artist the relevant receipts and a letter of authority must be produced.
    3. Exhibitors will be informed by regional curators when to collect their work/s after the exhibition tour.
    4. Works not collected by the appointed date will become the property of the Natal Arts Trust and may be disposed of at the discretion of the Trust.


    1. The insurance value given on the entry form will be regarded as the selling price of the work, inclusive of a 20% commission.
    2. The commission of 20% on sales will be used to offset costs of the Jabulisa project.
    3. If the work is for sale, the Natal Arts Trust has first option to acquire it.
    4. No work will be released until the purchase sum has been received by the Natal Arts Trust.
    5. Purchased works must remain with the exhibition until the end of its national tour.

    1. Reproductions of works selected for the exhibition may be included in the exhibition catalogue, invitation and poster, and may be used for publicity purposes in connection with the exhibition.
    2. The organisers undertake to insure all works submitted.


    Jabulisa exhibitions are unique in S.A. This will be the 4th Jabulisa show. The first was in 1996, the most recent in 2006. Jabulisa is an important show. The selectors want the best of your work. Work selected for Jabulisa can only benefit you and your career. Artists who have not already submitted works are encouraged to make use of this extension. Jabulisa 2010 is a celebration of contemporary visual creativity by artists and crafters resident in KwaZulu-Natal. The exhibition, organised by the Natal Arts Trust, aims to reflect a broad spectrum of creativity from throughout the province produced from January 2007 to the present. Works in all styles and media are welcomed for consideration. Artists and crafters are invited to submit works for possible selection in terms of the conditions of entry.

    Jabulisa 2010 will open at the Tatham Art Gallery, Pietermaritzburg, on 08 June 2010 before touring KwaZulu-Natal and the rest of the country.


    Durban Art Gallery Technical Centre
    Enquiries: Jenny Stretton Ph: 031 311-2264
    102 1120 Florence Nzama Street, Durban (directions below)
    Submission Date: Friday 12 March 10h00-16h00
    Selection Date: Wednesday 17 March
    Collection of unselected works: Friday 19 March 10h00-16h00

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