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Newsletter February 2016

Dear ALL


P.O.Box 749 Fibreworks account details
KLOOF Name of a/c: Fibreworks
3610 Name of bank: ABSA
KwaZulu-Natal Hillcrest Branch 63200500
October 2015 Account no: 9104464545
Dates to diarize:

" MACS Midlands Arts and Crafts workshop in Pietermaritzburg for 6 months. More on this later.
" 1 March Submission of actual work for Tutu exhibition to Jenny Hearn. Please note that this date has been brought forward as Marsha McDowell wants to see the actual work and Jenny has a photographer organized to photograph the work. More info below.
" 15 March Notification of acceptance of work for Tutu exhibition.
" 1 May Entry Form for Major Minors VI to Dana Biddle. More on this later
" 13 May 2016 is the deadline date for Entry Form and JPG images for the World Quilt Festival. Details below
" 25 May Deadline for submitting Fibreworks IX art works to Fynarts Festival in Hermanus. Details below.
" 10th - 19th June 2016 Hermanus Fynarts Festival. More on this late
" 30 August 6 pm GFI Gallery Opening of Fibreworks IX in Port Elizabeth. More on this later.
" 30 August to 18 September Fibreworks IX at GFI Gallery in Port Elizabeth
" 1 October 2016 - Opening of the Desmond and Leah Tutu exhibition in conjunction with the American submissions in Cape Town.

Our first meeting for the year will be held in Kloof on Friday 26 February at Helga's house, 9 for 9.30 am. The address is 21a Alexander Ave, Kloof.

" Desmond and Leah Tutu exhibition:

Here is some additional information from Jenny Hearn:
March 1, 2016         Entry deadline, including artist statement and short artist biography.
March 15, 2016       Notification of acceptance.
August 15, 2016     Publication printing finished.
      All US quilts to be shipped to South frica.
October 1, 2016     Quilt exhibition ready for installation at the Cape Town venue.

" Fibreworks IX

Please see Dal's correspondence below:

"I would like to have the work by 25th May. I am happy for artists to send their work together as it is a lot cheaper.

This time, I would like everyone to send hanging sticks with hooks at each end as we would like to hang the quilts in a more professional way. It would be great if they could mark their sticks with the quilt name.

The Postnet address is: Dal Botha, Postnet Somerset Mall, Shop 1B Melcksloot Village, Somerset Mall, Somerset West, 7130. My cell no. is: 0847001727

My address if they wish to use a courier is: Dal Botha, 37 Dennys Street, Pringle Bay, 7196

Aramex is another method but I have never used this and don't know how it works. It is cheaper than Postnet and very good apparently. Possibly they would also need my home address."

As we have done in the past, it seems a good idea to post works off together. This saves costs for everyone concerned. Keep this in mind.

After the Fynarts Festival in Hermanus, the works will travel on to be exhibited in Port Elizabeth. Marilyn Pretorius has kindly organized a wonderful gallery called the GFI and the Opening will be on Tuesday the 30th of August at 6pm. The work will be showcased until 18 September.

Please note that the entry fee for Fibreworks IX is R120, irrespective of the number of works submitted.

Dal and Marilyn are liaising with each other in between the exhibitions, so our art works are in good hands. Dal will be looking after the works when the Fynarts show closes, until the Port Elizabeth show opens. Thank you Dal and Marilyn.

Should your work sell at the Fynarts festival, we have made a decision to let the buyer take the work at the end of the Fynarts show. If this is your only work, fine, but then you will not have a work at the Port Elizabeth leg of the show. We trust this is not a problem.

Major Minors VI

Venue still not confirmed but we are working on it. Keep the March dates in mind nevertheless. We are also investigating the possibility of an exhibition at the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg in November. We will keep you informed regarding the developments of Major Minors.

Below is a request from Odette with details:



Its time for the annual WORLD QUILT COMPETITION and you are invited to enter.
This is the sixteenth consecutive year that South Africa has taken part in the competition. The American organisers have special shipping arrangements for international contestants so it's a wonderful opportunity to exhibit your quilts in the USA.

The Entry Form has all the information and here is a brief summary:
The competition has categories for both Traditional and Innovative quilts with cash awards.
The minimum quilt size is 8,361 sq. cms (multiply the length of the quilt by the width).
MAY 13, 2016 is the deadline date for Entry Form and JPG images.
Quilts will be exhibited at quilt shows in the USA.

You are welcome to share this information with friends and colleagues and share on social media.
Also see:
Please contact me if you have any queries and I look forward to receiving your entries.

Many thanks

Odette Tolksdorf
National Co-Ordinator (South Africa) World Quilt Competition
phone: 031 2662978 / cell: 074 1720544

" Achievements of Members:
Below is an article on a fantastic achievement by Fiona Kirkwood. What an honour!

Complete article here!

Latvian city.

Best Jeanette

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