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Annette McMaster

Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage
Annette McMaster

Title: Rites of Passage

Description: I am still on a mission to explore old traditional hand fiber processing techniques to use in contemporary ways.

Dimensions: 25cm X 25cm

Materials: Machine embroidery.

Exhibition: Major Minors I

Price: NFS
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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You and I

You and I
Annette McMaster

Title: You and I

Description: Art-making has often been referred to as a mirror of the self.

Since 2000 I have deliberately chosen to create self-portraits using the media of papier-mƒch‚, machine embroidery and bead-weaving. The problem with work of this nature is that these portraits tend to make one very conscious of the self. Through the process of portraying the outer skin one learns about the inner being and it is for this reason that the importance of the self has been reduced to a half-hidden face or merely a single, all-seeing eye.

People seeing themselves reflected in the mirrors will undergo a different and completely unique experience. The pieces can thus only be fully alive while being viewed and reflected upon and the title can only have meaning when the viewer interacts with the works which are continually transforming themselves within the framework of the viewer?s insight, experience and imagination.

The delicious irony of the pieces is that the "I/Eye" captured in time and space is, in effect, observing the observer.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm

Materials: Technique: Hand knitted using 3 shades of Wool

Exhibition: Major Minors II

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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You and Eye

You and Eye
Annette McMaster

Title: You and Eye

Description: The delicious irony of the pieces is that the "I/Eye" captured in time and space is, in effect, observing the observer.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors II

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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The Amusing Game of Innocence Abroad

The Amusing Game of Innocence Abroad
Annette McMaster

Title: The Amusing Game of Innocence Abroad

Description: The game was published in 1889 and takes its title from Mark Twain's humourous travelogue "The Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrim's Progress" (1869).

Taken from"Great Board Games", compiled by Brian Love, Ebury Press and Michael Joseph, 1979.

I often go for walks with my dogs in the green belt behind our house and was appalled to see some of the items below dumped there. On a whim I decided to see if I could utilise this litter in some manner and the result is the doll statuette.

I have created seven dolls, as seven is a number often seen to be mystical and they are arranged in a circle, as this is the symbol of eternity.

Dimensions: 1m high each doll

Materials: The doll statuettes were fashioned from waste material, such as 2L plastic soft drink bottles, empty toilet rolls, discarded yoghurt containers, egg boxes, papier machŠ and air-dried clay.

Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Annette McMaster

Annette McMaster

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