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Jeanette Gilks

Raw Edges

Raw Edges
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Raw Edges

Description: Reality T.V. War. Newsman or sports commentator?
Either way, I watch - a spectator, vicariously involved in someone else?s experience.

Great explosions, fire, night vision and the flashing arcs of tracer bullets across a blackened sky seduce me. This is a video war game ? heroic, spectacular, entertaining, safe.

I make ?Raw Edges.?

Textures ripped, minutely stitched then severed and shredded. Fragile fabrics fragment and unravel. Now the slippery, smooth facelessness of precision strikes begin to interface with the real, shabby dismemberment on the fringes. Feelings transform. Frayed edges painfully pinned down and wrapped up. War fetish.

This re-presentation brings me to my senses.

Dimensions: 25cm X 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors I

Price: Sold
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Touching Identity

Touching Identity
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Touching Identity

Description: Who are we?

We are South Africans, Moslems, Blacks, Whites, Christians, Americans, Jews, British, Arabs.

Who are they?

They are Arabs, Jews, Blacks, South Africans, Christians, Whites, British, Moslems, Americans.

This work is neither anti-Islamic nor anti-Western, nor does it suggest solutions to the notion of "nationhood", whatever that means. Rather, I hope the work explores imaginatively some of the phobias and suspicions that we hold about "Other", those people who are not "Us".
Flags with their colours and symbols go some way in revealing how we choose, as a group, to define whom we are.

Dimensions: 25 cm x 25 cm


Exhibition: Major Minors II

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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New Flags

New Flags
Jeanette Gilks

Title: New Flags

Description: New Flags is a tissue paper and fabric collage interpretation of Touching Identity. The changed medium has imparted a new spirit and fresh meaning upon the work. The medium of an artwork is always significant. Lying between the idea and act, between imagination and expression, it provides the platform for the medium-meaning interaction.

Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm


Exhibition: Major Minors II

Price: NFS
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Free Fall

Free Fall
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Free Fall

Description: The work alludes to the symbolism associated with the labyrinth and the mandala.

Dimensions: 122 x 122cm

Materials: Commercial fabrics and cotton

Exhibition: Fibreworks III

Price: NFS
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Screens - Major Minor Signatures 2005

Screens - Major Minor Signatures 2005
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Screens - Major Minor Signatures 2005

Description: This work celebrated the co-operative efforts of Fibreworks members who took part in Major Minors, a travelling exhibition of miniature fibre/textile artworks that was launched in May 2003.

Dimensions: 29 x 118 cm

Materials: Paper and Cotton collage

Exhibition: Innovative Threads

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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In my Skin

In my Skin
Jeanette Gilks

Title: In my Skin

Description: Currently I am particularly interested in working three dimensionally - in new media, ceramic and paper. Old media, really! I enjoy finding ways of incorporating ready made materials such as leather and beads into my textiles. It's debatable if they are still textiles. Anyway, I always love a debate .... The doll and doll drawings of my students, the Garret Artists, inspired the work. It invites play and tactile, physical interaction.

Dimensions: 80 x 60cm

Materials: Mixed media

Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: Sold
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Blood and Fire

Blood and Fire
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Blood and Fire

Description: This work was inspired by the events of September 11th 2001. I have torn and frayed some of the fabric to the point of disintegration. Here is something fragile and precious, like an ancient shroud, that is easily dismembered. The work, in part, deals with the idea of collapse and loss The associations of Blood and Fire are ancient, rich and layered and deeply ingrained in the human phyche. They are ambivalent images since they can symbolize divine or demonic, creative or destructive forces. Blood relates to ritual and violence, suffering and redemption. A blood sacrifice is both physical and spiritual, sticky matter evoking transformative states.
Blood and Fire are the symbols of both martyrs and poticial and religious fundamentalists.

Dimensions: 143cm x 125 cm

Materials: Shredded and frayed commercial fabrics. Machine pieced and embroidered.

Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Nest/ bowls/baskets

Nest/ bowls/baskets
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Nest/ bowls/baskets

Description: How ARE things?

This is part of a mixed-media artwork that explores some of the stored meanings of bowls, baskets and nests. The title was inspired by the book," How Are Things? A Philosophical Experiment", by Roger-Pol Droit who is a research fellow at the CNRS in Paris.


Materials: Ceramics. Ready made found objects such as feathers, raffia, cane, wool, silk, fur.

Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: NFS
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Bone Woman

Bone Woman
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Bone Woman

Description: The work alludes to ancient and timeless rituals associated with women and women's circles.

As a child I never played with dolls as I found them sinister and alien. Now, oddly, in my 50's I am making my own and using them as metaphors to comment on various issues.

These works form part of a series.


Materials: Hand built ceramic vessel with metal, leather, bead and fibre embellishments.

Exhibition: Fibreworks IV

Price: On Request Buy it online
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* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Power of One

Power of One
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Power of One

Description: This mandala is based on the rose windows of Gothic cathedrals. A symbol image alluding to mystery and transcendence. Archetypal and universal, the circle embraces and encompasses All in One.

Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm

Materials: Machine sewn and embroidered.

Exhibition: Stellenbosch National Quilt Festival 2011

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Keeping in Touch - an altered Mixed Media Book

Keeping in Touch - an altered Mixed Media Book
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Keeping in Touch - an altered Mixed Media Book

Description: This is a collaborative, altered book involving some 70 artists and some community groups. Participating artists in Liza Gillespie's book "Innovative Threads A Decade of South African Fibre Art" published in 2009, were asked to alter their page: some modified their image, others created new pages. The book was first deconstructed in order to insert the new page alongside the old, and then reconstructed using an accordion binding.

Dimensions: 50 cm x 2m

Materials: A Mixed Media Art Work

Exhibition: Bellville Gallery Cape Town, Stellenbosch National Quilt Festival 2011

Price: NFS
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Altered Catalogues

Altered Catalogues
Jeanette Gilks

Title: Altered Catalogues

Description: The Fibreworks Catalogues that accompanied the travelling exhibitions Major Minors I and Major Minors II are further examples of altered books..


Materials: A Mixed Media Art Work

Exhibition: Bellville Gallery Cape Town, Stellenbosch National Quilt Festival 2011

Price: On Request Buy it online
Please click on the image to view a larger version
* Price excludes post and packaging.

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Jeanette Gilks


Jeanette Gilks

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